Use SpongeForge 941
Updated to Sponge 941, error still occurs;
Unsure if related, but may not be working due to 941 breaking total economy.
It is related…
Alright. We shall see, thanks.
Same problem that Redstone reported. Updated to newer sponge versions (965), newest (1.2.3) Total Econ, and newest ItemAuction (v0.3e)
Okay, I’ll look into it.
Release v0.4:
Tested on SpongeForge 1000
- This release updates to Text III
Enjoy this update!
SpongeForge 1000
ItemAuction 0.4
Bids are not functioning properly.
Auctions can still be placed successfully, however now /bid is not working.
^ Sorry for the crappy report. My panel isn’t the best.
This appears to be a bug on TotalEconomy - getBalance
is not implemented (somehow).
No, it’s because ItemAuction doesn’t depend on the recent version of TotalEconomy. It will be updated to use the EconomyService and all shall work once more.
Release v0.4b:
Tested on SpongeForge 1015
- Update to use EconomyService.
Enjoy this update!
Dont work for me with last version sponge :3
thanks for your work ^^
I’ll look into it, thanks for reporting it
Is it possible to get an option to automatically accept the highest bid if the auction is dead for a set amount of time and also a queuing system so there is only 1 auction going on at a time?
I’ll try to make time to add this, thanks for the suggestions
Bid’s still can not be found.
Lastest sponge. 1015
Lastest ItemAuction. 4b
/Auction 100
/Bid 101
/Bid accept
‘Bid Not Found!’
I am aware of this issue
Long shot here, but working on a pixelmon server. Is it possible to implement to a feature to allow payment with pixelmons base currency the pokedollar? idk how open the sponge api is or if the devs would allow this, but worth a shot asking
Pixelmon would have to integrate their economy with sponges economy api for that to ever happen. They may have plans to do so.
Ohhhh sweet, can’t wait.