ItemAuction [v0.6.5]

Okay! Will do soon. :slight_smile:

Release v0.6.2:

Tested on SpongeForge 1229


  • Added /ia list
  • Added /ia ignoreauctions


  • /ia list - Lists all current auctions, including the auctioneer, their price, and the item they are selling.
  • /ia ignoreauctions - Toggles the ignoring of all auctions.


  • itemauction.command.list
  • itemauction.command.ignoreauction

Enjoy this update! :smile:


Release v0.6.3:

Tested on SpongeForge 1237


  • Changed the bidding system so each raise in the bid is broadcasted to everyone.
  • Changed the bidding system so you can may only raise the bid - you cannot bid less than the current highest bid.

Enjoy this update! :smile:

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Is there anyway to simplify the commands?
I know they arent hard to begin with, but a lot of users, especially younger ones are constantly asking “/bid /auction / acceptauction” isnt working! Which leads to us constantly telling them that /ia is in front of everything.

I understand if you need to keep it there and its fine. I just feel like it would be more user friendly if it was simplified.

Thanks :^)

I’ll make it configurable I suppose

Not a huge deal, keep it how YOU like it then.

Release v0.6.4:

Tested on SpongeForge 1243


  • Added the ability to choose if you’d like the commands registered as subcommands or not.

Enjoy this update! :smile:

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Read above :wink:

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I have some suggestions to the plugin,

Option to make it that only one auction can go at a time?
Option to disable the acceptbid and add a time limit to an auction on how it can last?
Option to make a limit on how much a player can start out a bid?


Sure, thanks for the suggestion

The sub commands feature is not working.
,etc are not found when config file is changed and server restarted

Hmm… I’ll check it out right now…


I just tried it out. You set subcommands to false, and everything registers as it should.

/bid, /acceptbid, /auction all work.

I installed the new file, started the server, attempted to use the commands.
/bid, /acceptbid and /auction where not registering.

I changed the config from false to true to see if that would fix it,
restarted the server and tried again.

I suppose ill give it another shot after the next automated server restart


Any ETA on when a new update is coming out? Having one or more auctions with no time limit is kinda crowding my chat.

Will we be able to change the prefix for this?
It just doesn’t really follow the format my other plugins are currently using (same thing with AdminShop, a prefix config option would be really nice)

I’ll consider this later

believe all your plugins could use an indepth config option to change prefix/language; im currently having the same issue with payday. can’t customize anything.

Release v0.6.5:

Tested on Sponge API 5.1


  • Updated for API 5.1
  • Minor bug fixes

Known Issues:

  • Decimals not limited ie. you can auction stuff for .000001
  • Does not work with API 6

Enjoy this update! :smile:

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Hello Just wondering if there are any plans to move to API 7.0 and if so I would be happy to test. I can even spin you up a designated test server if you would like. Thanks