JoinChanger - Customizes default minecraft server messages when player joined/left from the server

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, JoinChanger. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.

JoinChanger customizes default messages when player joined/disconnected to/from server

Simple customizable plugin that uses simple configuration syntax!


  1. Allows to make multiple messages when player connected/disconnected to/from server that will be shown by random!
  2. Supports color codes!
  3. Supports multiple tags, not just you can show player name, but also on what world he current in, what his balance and much more!


How to use:

Simply change existing, or add more messages in config.conf file. More info can be found in plugin configuration file comment section.

A new version has been released for JoinChanger, it is available for download here.

First release, main functionality.

A new version has been released for JoinChanger, it is available for download here.

Added tag {balance} to retrieve connected/disconnected player balance.

A new version has been released for JoinChanger, it is available for download here.

First release of the plugin.
Added full functionality.

A new version has been released for JoinChanger, it is available for download here.

Added part in the config, where you can disable or enable custom messages when player connected/disconnected to/from the server.
Fixed typo in which instead of “EliasLucky” the name of author (me) was “EliasLuy”

A new version has been released for JoinChanger, it is available for download here.

Fixed that custom message when player connected/disconnected to/from the server wasn’t show for other players.

A new version has been released for JoinChanger, it is available for download here.

PATCH version. Has been fixed and improved build plugin project settings.

Now there is no unnecessary files in the plugin .jar file. Now plugin .jar file (start from 0.1.8 version) is small in size.

A new version has been released for JoinChanger, it is available for download here.

PATCH version. Has been fixed and improved build plugin project settings.

Now there is no unnecessary files in the plugin .jar file. Now plugin .jar file (start from 0.2.0 version) is small in size.

Improved code elements.

Added logging to the console when player joined/left to/from the server with custom colorful message.