JoinTitle - Send custom titles on player join

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, JoinTitle. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.

Join Title

Simple plugin which send custom title on player loggin.


Luckperms Optional = true.

PlaceholderAPI Optional = false.

Extra info

There is 3 sample to make custom title, admin/vip/default and 3 permission to apply on user.

Admin title - permission: jointitle.title.admin (or wildcard)

VIP title - permission:

Default title - permission: jointitle.title.default



16.07.19 Nothing special just coding things, instead of having 1 heavy main.class i split it into smaller classes.

Support me

A new version has been released for JoinTitle, it is available for download here.

No description given.

A new version has been released for JoinTitle, it is available for download here.

Join Title plugin recoded. Nothing special just coding things, instead of having 1 heavy main.class i split it into smaller classes.

GitHub link.

If you wish to support me here is link: Support