Just a small fail

##This is a reply to a thread, when I clicked reply it created its own thread and there is no delete thread##

Continuing the discussion from What is your favorite java code formatting?:

If statements

if (A == 0) {
}else if (string.equals("something")) {
    //something else


}catch(IOException e){


import org.bukkit.dev.someclass;
import org.bukkit.dev.someotherclass;

import com.spongepowered.someclass;

##long if (I know this example isn’t long, this would probably be on the same line)##

if ((A == A)
  || (B == B)
  || (C == C)) {
    //do something

##long code (formatting messed up … its all on a single line)##
String string = hello.getLocation().add(0,0,0).getBlock().getType().name()

##list for breakdown##

for(String example : List<String>){

Well then…

No one is perfect.