KeepInventory - Let players keep their Inventory if they have permission - Spongepowered

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, KeepInventory. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.

KeepInventory Plugin

Very small keep inventory plugin let player keep their inventory if they have permission.
With an Configurable message to fit your server needs

Tested with

  • spongevanilla-1.12.2-7.1.0-BETA-13
  • spongeforge-1.12.2-2555-7.1.0-BETA-2854

make sure you are on the latest!
Thanks <3


Keep inventory on Death - inventory.keep


A new version has been released for KeepInventory-Sponge, it is available for download here.

Added Added Configurable message

Nice idea ! However, you might consider renaming your plugin due to Sponge guideline :


Keep coding :slight_smile:

It’s fine IMO, the hyphen makes it pretty clear I think. Other staff may disagree. But it’s still pretty needless.

Sorry my bad wont happen again. I had just change all of the plugins i own and took out sponge suffix out

It would be nice if this plugin could save exp.

A new version has been released for KeepInventory, it is available for download here.

Clean up few things and rewrote the configuration. In addition add it a placeholder for playername it’s %player%

A new version has been released for KeepInventory, it is available for download here.

Fixed not creating the config major oof on my part .-.

any chance of updating this to allow players to keep their xp on death?

I think that sponge didn’t provide that but i could be wrong* i am only making an assumption at the moment.

ah didnt know if they did or not. Figured that would be something that was put in by default seeming as vanilla mc offered that.

I have an idea for the plugin. Have it drop items when someone died to PVP and keep things when in PvE.