Keys - LWC-like container/block protection


You use the commands/aliases feature in the global.conf (server/config/sponge/global.conf)
In the config you will see “commands” Its 3rd from the top. Where it says “aliases” put the following in the “swiggly brackets”


So it should look like this:

Then restart then you’re done! When you do /unlock it will run this mod’s unlock command. If you still need to use the Pixelmon’s unlock command just do /pixelmon:unlock <name>


I saw you put a protection to deny players to break blocks under protected chests but if there is an air case under or next to, they can put an hopper to empty protected chests.

Can you add a full protection to deny placement of blocks ?

Hoppers will be handled on their own, but Sponge has not yet added the proper events for us to block that interaction. Outside of that type of interaction and other chests, we don’t need to prevent placement.

I hope can protect the paint and frame

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/unlock conflicts with Pixelmons /unlock
Anyone know how to get Keys to override it or is that up to the Key’s dev?


Find this file in your sponge config /config/sponge/global.conf. Open it and you will see something like this,
(Its under the “commands” section)

commands {
    # A mapping from unqualified command alias to plugin id of the plugin that should handle a certain command
    aliases { }

Just put this into the aliases section:

aliases {unlock=Keys}

This feature allows the /unlock plugin to be executed only for this mod without any conflict.

Now say if you wish to do the Pixelmon command /unlock do /pixelmon:unlock

Overall your config should look like this after a simple restart:

commands {
    # A mapping from unqualified command alias to plugin id of the plugin that should handle a certain command
    aliases {

Thank you so much!

Is it possible when opening a locked chest to recieve the message “You are opening a chest locked by [Owner]” and a /keys info to see who locked it and the users its shared by.


Anyway we could also have the chests be renamed in the top left of the menu to the user who owns it?
This way if staff need to, they can view and see whos chest belongs to who

I found a bug - every server restart plugin config returns to default. I removed all entries for autolock (I don’t want this feature) and every restart it filled with default list.

If you’re removing the node entirely, it’s going to think it’s new and will re-add it. You need to leave it as an empty list.

1.I use botania Terra Axe to break chest, chest and chest of things will come out, can you solve?
2.I hope to have a command to see it was locked by whom.(IMPORTANT)
3.I want players to have a command can remove all your locked

Is this still being maintained?

It works fine by me still. SpongeForge1270.

Will it be possible for others to still destroy the object if its locked. I would like to see this as a configurable setting. Main reason why is so I can have chests protected from destruction by towns and access granted or denied by this. And alternatively, chests in the outside, possibly in a faction, can be locked but damaged if the area claim dissipates, thus allowing the chest to be destroyed and contents to spill out, as a real world locked chest break in would occur. In the mean time, definently adding this to my list. Thanks! And good work.

Damageable while Locked: (true/false)

Not sure if you take suggestions, but would it be possible to add a public lock feature and an option for admins to check who owns a locked item?

If I placed a pull lever, and then placed one block under it, the block can be destroyed and dropped.

you can siphon stuff out by hoppers

i can’t use command /key add.

… /keys add id