Kotlin Sponge Plugin Template

Someone awhile ago had mentioned a Kotlin template for plugins,
so I went ahead and made one (partially for myself)

It’s a GitHub template, so it will need some minor modification
for you to make it your own, this is all documented in the projects README

The template is for API8+ and supports multiple projects that may vary in versions as well.


The template also depends on McKotlin to provide Kotlin runtime.
So make sure you provide that when testing your plugins!

This also means that (at the time of writing) Kotlin 1.9.23 is the target version!


What kind of features does a template even have?


buildSrc contains a couple precompiled scripts to make making projects easier!

provides the Kotlin dependency and a couple toolchain configurations

Provides the common script and applies common SpongeGradle configurations

Provides the Shadow gradle plugin and some basic configurations for its use

Multiple Projects

Simply add a directory to projects and gradle will attempt to include it.

This is thanks to some configurations made in settings.gradle.kts

What needs changed?

I wrote a readme that covers the changes needed

However, all spots should be marked with a todo and/or marked with replaceme