First, writing in caps doesn’t help at all.
Discord seems to be a better place to discuss your issue further.
First, writing in caps doesn’t help at all.
Discord seems to be a better place to discuss your issue further.
Or, an alternative - although it would more annoying - also depending on if KtSkript supports it or not - you could use GriefPrevention claim UUIDs. GriefPrevention is public (I think? I have a plugin that works off it, so I assume so…) and can be incorporated with getClaimAtPlayer, using the claim’s UUID number to specify the area the player is in, using admin claims mode to claim areas for server builds/hubs/etc.
KtSkript can do everything a normal plugin can do, apart from NMS (which isn’t recommended anyway).
val damagingBiomes = listOf(BiomeTypes.TAIGA, BiomeTypes.TAIGA_HILLS)
val damageSource = DamageSource.builder()
.intervalTicks(20 * 10)
.execute { task ->
.filter { player ->
player.location.hasBiome() && player.location.biome in damagingBiomes
.forEach { player ->
player.damage(1.0, damageSource)
This script damages players every 20 * 10 ticks (10 seconds) by 1.0
(half a heart) when being in the taiga or taiga hills. You can add more biomes from here: BiomeTypes.
Can I move this plug-in to the MCBBS forum in China?
I will show the original author and the original page.
If you like, I will send you the link of the web page after the successful removal.
I will not provide other download addresses.
Yes, you can do that. Please provide Releases · randombyte-developer/kt-skript · GitHub as the download link. It always shows the latest release.
No problem. I’ll do what you say.
Just some simple messages with URLs in them, modify them as you like.
Intervals documentation: Here
onEvery("5m") {
val message = "&4Please vote for this server here: ".t +
registerCommand("website") {
action(onlyPlayers = true) {
val text = "&2This is a link to our website: ".t +
"&e[Click here]".t.underline().action(TextActions.openUrl(URL("")))
registerCommand("vote") {
action(onlyPlayers = true) {
val text = "Vote-Link: ".t +
Hello, I am a Chinese.
My English is poor.
Communication requires the help of translation software.
Your plugin is very good~!
But I need an instance because I can’t download the instance file in China.
I hope you can send some examples to my mailbox
------ a loyal fan
and EconomyService
toolsThis simple script allows you to make the server automatically run some commands when the server is empty for a time period (here 5 minutes but of course you can change that).
var delayTask: Task? = null
onPlayerLeave {
// the currently leaving player is at the time of this check technically still on the server
if (Server.onlinePlayers.size == 1) {
delayTask = delay("5m") {
Server.console.executeCommand("say Yep, this server is empty!")
onPlayerJoin {
New docs for handling with the economy helpers are now available here: Economy docs
This simple script allows you calculate taxes for one money pool (e.g. the pool your lottery uses). The taxes are then moved to another account. This script just shows how to deal with virtual accounts. Also see the new economy docs on how to use player accounts: Docs
val taxPercentage = 0.19
onEvery("1h") {
val account = EconomyService.getAccount("bank-account")
// calculate tax
val tax = account.balance * taxPercentage
// withdraw tax
account.balance -= tax
// deposit tax somewhere else
EconomyService.getAccount("some-other-account").balance += tax
"${tax.toInt()} coins just got moved somewhere else!".t.broadcast()