Hey there Lergin, first off, amazing job on this plugin. Customization is definitely the key point to this jobs plugin, great job. Unfortunately I have an issue relating to the placing of items. I am currently creating a job where placing items is the way to gain xp as well as using an item(wrench). I am using this on a modded server with modded items within the config. I have several jobs already added with mainly the Use and Break actions and they work great. I have tried replacing the Place action with Use but here I found a player can just right click the air and just continuously gain xp and taking the fun out of it. The Place action doesn’t seem to function at all it seems. Also no error logs and I also created my job files from scratch and not using the web editor you have created. Feel I put too much time into creating the jobs to have them randomly disappear haha anyways here is the Place action from my config: hastebin
Thanks in advance!