LocaleAPI - Locale API for Sponge plugins

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, LocaleAPI. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.

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What is it for? Developers using this API can provide the ability to
simultaneously use multiple languages.
For example. On your server there are players from different countries
and they understand only their language. If there is a localization file
in which there will be messages corresponding to the client language
chosen by them, they will see the messages of your plugin in that

For server admin:

All localization files are saved in the following path, where “pluginid”
is the directory for the localization files of a particular plugin.
This only applies to plugins that use LocaleAPI.
You can add translation files you need to the plugin localization
directory. When you add a localization file, it will be downloaded automatically. If you make changes to existing files, they will also be automatically reloaded. The load/reload operation cannot be performed more than once every 10 seconds. This time limit has been added to eliminate the possibility of server performance degradation.

For developers:

The localization file name must be in the format en-US, ru-RU, etc.
Select the file type depending on which configuration you prefer to
For the correct work of the plugin is necessary to generate a default localization file - en-US.

Test plugin → GitHub - SawFowl/LocaleTestPlugin: Test LocaleAPI.
javadoc → Overview (LocaleAPI 2.3.0-S8.0.0-RELEASE API)

public class Main {
	private Main instance;
	private Logger logger;
	private static LocaleService localeService;
	private PluginContainer pluginContainer;
	public LocaleService getLocaleService() {
		return localeService;

	public Main(PluginContainer pluginContainer, @ConfigDir(sharedRoot = false) Path configDirectory) {
		this.pluginContainer = pluginContainer;

	// Get API. Variant 1. This happens in event `ConstructPluginEvent`.  It's recommended if LocaleAPI is mandatory.
	public void onLocaleServisePostEvent(LocaleServiseEvent.Construct event) {
		instance = this;
		logger = LogManager.getLogger("PluginName");
		localeService = event.getLocaleService();

	// Get API. Variant 2. This happens in event `StartedEngineEvent<Server>`. It's recommended if LocaleAPI is optional.
	// In this case, you can specify another class as the event listener.
	public void onLocaleServisePostEvent(LocaleServiseEvent.Started event) {
		localeService = event.getLocaleService();

	public void testLocales() {
		if(!localeService.localesExist(instance)) {
			localeService.createPluginLocale(pluginContainer, ConfigTypes.HOCON, Locales.DEFAULT);
			//					^^ pluginContainer or "pluginid".
			localeService.createPluginLocale(pluginContainer, ConfigTypes.HOCON, Locales.DEFAULT);
			getLocaleUtil(Locales.DEFAULT).checkString("Your string for localization.", "Optional comment", "Path");
		// Get message from locale. You can get and use the player's localization 'player.locale();'.

	public PluginLocale getPluginLocale(Locale locale) {
		return localeService.getOrDefaultLocale(pluginContainer, locale);
repositories {
	maven { 
		name = "JitPack"
		url 'https://jitpack.io' 
dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.SawFowl:LocaleAPI:3.2'
	// Or if the JitPack repository is not available.
	implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')

A new version has been released for LocaleAPI, it is available for download here.

Version for API7.
Further development of this version has been discontinued.

A new version has been released for LocaleAPI, it is available for download here.

Version for API8.
API has become easier.
Now there will be tracking changes in localization files.
Localization by default is now always en-US.
Added the ability to serialize ItemStack. For configuration files, you must specify options that can also be obtained from this plugin. Localization files already use these options.
Changed the way to get API for localizations. Now events are used. The old way is marked as deprecated.

Great work!it is very elegant and useful.

1 Like

A new version has been released for LocaleAPI, it is available for download here.

Adding functionality to the SerializedItemStack class.
Addition of localization creation/reloading events.
Adding text replacement functionality.
Fixed localizations tracking in json files.

A new version has been released for LocaleAPI, it is available for download here.

Added TextUtils class

A new version has been released for LocaleAPI, it is available for download here.

During the previous plugin update, the wrong file was loaded on ORE by mistake.

A new version has been released for LocaleAPI, it is available for download here.

Various fixes and improvements to the API.

A new version has been released for LocaleAPI, it is available for download here.

Fixed stopping the tracking of changes in localization files when the server is shut down. Now the stop is correct.

A new version has been released for LocaleAPI, it is available for download here.

Added DataContainer serializer.

A new version has been released for LocaleAPI, it is available for download here.

1.19.4+ !!!

Java 17 is used.
Update to SpongeAPI10.
Improved plugin and text processing API.
Changed text record in json format. Now it has expanded view instead of single line view.
Added serializers for ItemStack and JsonObject classes.

A new version has been released for LocaleAPI, it is available for download here.

Added the ability to use ValueReference.

Now it is possible to assign serializable classes to localizations.
This functionality should simplify the use of localizations, as well as slightly improve performance when getting objects of type Component, because it will not be necessary to deserialize it from the configuration every time.
The new functionality applies only to file formats supported by Sponge.

A new version has been released for LocaleAPI, it is available for download here.

Implemented 2 new ways to change NBT tags of items.
Added implementation of placeholders.
Improved JsonObject serialization.
Minor fixes.