Location Custom Data

I just saw that Location implements from DataHolder on the JavaDocs and was wondering if I could offer custom DataManipulators to a location?

I believe that you can offer any DataHolder custom data.

So basically, I could use Location for custom data for any type of Block, TileEntity or not. I wonder how long Location has implemented DataHolder because I was going to make my own solution to custom block data.

AFAIK, although Locations are DataHolders, they are only saved/used when a tile entity exists there. Would have to ask @gabizou though.

Currently, there’s no mechanism for storing custom data to a specific location. TileEntity instances, however, are perfectly fine to offer custom data. There’s some decisions and designs to decide on and the next step is to implement such a design to support custom data at desired locations.

Am I right that data still can’t be offered to a Location?

Asking politly, just wanting to make sure I didn’t oversee something.

Correct. There is no system as of yet.

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