Looking for Coder

Looking for a coder to help with a plugin for a server. Pm me if you are interested.

I don’t quite see why you posted this here. Sponge isn’t anywhere close to ready

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He probably means a bukkit plugin lol

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Bukkit Forums still alive… Maybe he thinks Sponge is ready to be used?

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Here we have the confused coder in its natural habitat.
Observe as it poses questions, but does not bother to clear up the obscure details surrounding it.
This is clearly evolution in its zenith!


Is the api in a code-able state, or is it still changing too much to bet on?

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THe bukkit api is codeable, sponge, not sure. Also, @Havuhk joined roughly 40min ago, and posted this within 10min of joining. From the thread topic, it’s fairly sure no rules were read, nor were forums lurked. :P

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Can we not make it necessary to have some experience in order to make a topic, like maybe 12 topics read, the rules/TOS read, and 3 legitimate posts?


The rules and TOS are tracked with badges, and maybe a certain amount of likes in the posts (again, badges) before creating threads? I agree. @riking & @DarkArcana , what do you think?


That’s definitely something you can run a query for. I guess a plugin adding a post validation could work.