My name is Alice (aka yepidoodles) and I own and run a modded Minecraft Community. For 1.9 I have an ambition to make all my own plugins for my servers, I thought I could do it alone, but I am struggling to learn and understand how to make plugins; Therefore I am looking for people to join my team to create plugins (and maybe a couple mods) for my community. Unfortunately, I can not afford to pay you currently, but my community is always growing, so maybe one day I can repay your efforts.
Requirements are simple,
You must be over 15 (over 18 is better)
You must be better at coding than I am (not hard, I’m awful)
Must be able to add me on Skype for quick communication (Text not calls)
If I’ve posted this in the wrong forum, please let me know.
- Alice/ yepidoodles
Owner of DragonTechMC
My current plugin efforts
I used to have ambitions like this as well, back in the day.
It’s not worth it, tbh. Too much work, too much pain, and it will take so much time to get there that you’ll probably get de-motivated before you even finish a one (or a couple)
I would instead recommend to take advantage of this awesome, open source & sharing community to your advantage, and work with the it instead of going “solo”.
It’s still up to you, but I think you’d be much happier this way
That’s what I did with Bukkit and it’s what I do with mods, but I have so many ideas of things I want to do in terms of plugins, and how I want things to be that no one is really doing. Doing all my own plugins means that I can do things my way, everything matches and works together well.
I’m a make doer, I was raised that way, but I’m honestly a bit fed up of putting a bunch of misfit puzzle pieces together.
I can understand that. Best of luck to you then!
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