Looking for Sponge Developer (Paid)

Looking for a sponge developer to port over several plugins and to possibly even create some from scratch. You would be paid per plugin. If we like your work it may very well turn into a longer term relationship.

Contact me via PM here on the forums. Thanks so much!

Still looking to find some more developers. Specifically looking for someone that would be able to block the crafting of pixelmon items, as well as a few other projects we want.

Contact me via PM!

Still searching!

you know you can disable certain crafting recipes by not giving the permission node off pixelmon?

> /breed: pixelmon.command.breed

/copyToDB: pixelmon.command.copyToDB
/endbattle: pixelmon.command.endbattle
Allow /endbattle to be used on the command’s user: pixelmon.command.endbattle.self
Allow /endbattle to be used on other players: pixelmon.command.endbattle.others
/freeze: pixelmon.command.freeze
/givemoney: pixelmon.command.givemoney
/givepixelsprite: pixelmon.command.givepixelsprite
/halloween: pixelmon.command.halloween
/pokebattle: pixelmon.command.pokebattle
/pokebattle2: pixelmon.command.pokebattle2
/pokegive: pixelmon.command.pokegive
/pokegiveegg: pixelmon.command.pokegiveegg
/pokeheal: pixelmon.command.pokeheal
/pokespawn: pixelmon.command.pokespawn
/pokesave: pixelmon.command.pokesave
/pokestats: pixelmon.command.pokestats
/psnapshot: pixelmon.command.psnapshot
/redeem: pixelmon.command.redeem
/resetpokestats: pixelmon.commands.resetpokestats
/setparty: pixelmon.command.setparty
/spectate: pixelmon.command.spectate
/struc: pixelmon.command.struc
/teach: pixelmon.command.teach
/transfer: pixelmon.command.transfer
/unlock: pixelmon.command.unlock
/warpplate: pixelmon.command.warpplate

There are more but i cant find em just don’t add the ones you don’t want a certain rank being able to use and you should be fine

I don’t have any crafting permission nodes given out and nor do I know of any. These looks like they are just command permissions?

whitout the “/” those are nodes and if you didn’t give any permissions about crafting nor about other plugins then regular members should be unable to do stuff on your server, Use PEX since you its reliable at the moment

Yes but I’m saying where do you even see permissions that are regarding crafting?

Yes but I’m saying where do you even see permissions that are regarding crafting?

This you need to lookup on the pixelmon mod webage :confused: for now that are the only nodes i could find there since i didn’t look after them anyway i just wanted to show you some nodes you could use

I’ve looked this up and have not been able to find what you are talking about. Is there any chance you could link me?

i’l try to send a message to MrM if he can link me all nodes there are for the mods as soon as i can :slight_smile: i cant promise anything tough

Was wondering if you ever found anything?

i’m still working it out :slight_smile: gimme time.

i’m also having some personal problems wich make my research being slowed down :confused: but i’l try and get back to you when i found something out

Hey Kirito it’s been awhile were you ever able to find anything?