LootCrate - Discontinued

This plugin adds Crate that you can set in the config file like this

:speech_balloon: Commands

/LC give [player] [Crate/Key] [crate/key]
(example : /LC give terrainwax Crate Chest_of_ King 
and for the key  /LC give terrainwax Key Chest_of_ King  )
/LC list


LootCrate {
    LootCrate {
        Crate1 {
            description="its the description of the Crate"
            # you can use <player> to replace by the player who use the crate
                "give <player> stone 10 5",
                "give <player> stone 10"
            # You can choose between item or command for the value
        Crate2 {
            description="its the description of the Crate"
            # syntax of for the item is :item quantity data
                "minecraft:stone 10 5;65",
                "minecraft:stone 10;65"
            # You can choose between item or command for the value
	LootKey {
        Crate1 {
        Crate2 {

:closed_lock_with_key: Permissions



this is the github repository of the plugin Here


You can download the plugin Here

if you want other things in the plugin send them in the comments


nice cant wait for it

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First Release upload now you can get the plugin

Nice plugin! I will be sure to try it out!

Little update to add clickable text when you use /lc list

Would you like an option in config to add a key for crates ?

yes that would be amazing :smiley:

IS there any key system to open the crate? Or how do they open it?

No key for the moment but i go to update my plugin to add a key system but now to open they crate you make just a right click with the crate in your hand

Can I suggest this feature? It goes along with the keys.
Make an option using a command such as
/LC gc [crate] [player] <#ofcrates>
EX: /lc gc Rare ProfessorOak 1
Would give me 1 physical Rare Crate chest.
gc = givecrate

Making it a placeable crate that has all the items that you could possibly get in it
When a key is put in, its like a slot machine and you get a random item based on the % in the .cfg
Have 2 cfg settings, one for Item/Amounts, and one for Item/Percentage based on physical crates.
/LC gk [key] [player] <#ofkeys>
EX: /lc gk Rare ProfessorOak 1
gk = givekey

would give me 1 rare crate key.
when I right click the correct crate (rare) it should go into a randomizing sequence, and stop on the item I receive
and will give that to me.


Any update coming on this? Really would like to use this as a vote reward.

I am using this plugin as a vote reward and I would like to suggest a feature. Could you please add keys and make this plugin use percentages?


Yes. I had asked the creator of mysterycrates on spigot to port it. He said he would if sponge had a big enough following. BUT, if we can get this dev to implement the key crates and cs:go type crates to this plugin, we wouldnt need him to port it.

@VinceOrlando I believe this plugin has the potential to be one of the top sponge plugins if it just had some more features.

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I m going to implement keys and gui like csgo case for my plugin the update was released in 2 day


@terrainwax Thanks so much. Can’t wait.

The cs go gui style can’t be do now because i need to wait inventory api add custom inventory but perecentage and key was add tomorow


That’s okay. Keys and percentages is still a big feature and will help out a lot

@PhantomOC With key config you want the key need to have the same name of the chest to open or you want a key can open multiple chest and define what chest can be open with this key ?

I would rather have it where the key needs to be the same name as the crate. :smiley: