This plugin adds Crate that you can set in the config file like this
/LC give [player] [Crate/Key] [crate/key]
(example : /LC give terrainwax Crate Chest_of_ King
and for the key /LC give terrainwax Key Chest_of_ King )
/LC list
LootCrate {
LootCrate {
Crate1 {
description="its the description of the Crate"
# you can use <player> to replace by the player who use the crate
"give <player> stone 10 5",
"give <player> stone 10"
# You can choose between item or command for the value
Crate2 {
description="its the description of the Crate"
# syntax of for the item is :item quantity data
"minecraft:stone 10 5;65",
"minecraft:stone 10;65"
# You can choose between item or command for the value
LootKey {
Crate1 {
Crate2 {
No key for the moment but i go to update my plugin to add a key system but now to open they crate you make just a right click with the crate in your hand
Can I suggest this feature? It goes along with the keys.
Make an option using a command such as
/LC gc [crate] [player] <#ofcrates>
EX: /lc gc Rare ProfessorOak 1
Would give me 1 physical Rare Crate chest.
gc = givecrate
Making it a placeable crate that has all the items that you could possibly get in it
When a key is put in, its like a slot machine and you get a random item based on the % in the .cfg
Have 2 cfg settings, one for Item/Amounts, and one for Item/Percentage based on physical crates.
/LC gk [key] [player] <#ofkeys>
EX: /lc gk Rare ProfessorOak 1
gk = givekey
would give me 1 rare crate key.
when I right click the correct crate (rare) it should go into a randomizing sequence, and stop on the item I receive
and will give that to me.
Yes. I had asked the creator of mysterycrates on spigot to port it. He said he would if sponge had a big enough following. BUT, if we can get this dev to implement the key crates and cs:go type crates to this plugin, we wouldnt need him to port it.
@PhantomOC With key config you want the key need to have the same name of the chest to open or you want a key can open multiple chest and define what chest can be open with this key ?