Maintenance | A greatly customizable maintenance plugin


Version Discord


Maintenance is a wonderful maintenance plugin for your Minecraft server you can find. It runs on Bukkit/Spigot, BungeeCord, Sponge as well as Velocity.

Its features include:

  • A custom motd as well as server icon, that will be shown during maintenance
  • Start- and endtimers, which will enable/disable maintenance mode after the time is up
  • A ‘%TIMER%’ variable usable in the pingmessage, to show the time until a running endtimer finishes (other variables and tricks are explained in the configuration file’s comments)
  • A maintenance whitelist, to grant specific players the ability to join while you’re working on your server
  • Notifications when players try to join your server during maintenance
  • Nearly all messages are editable via the language file, given in a multitude of different languages
  • Using ServerListPlus? Maintenance will toggle its status when enabling maintenance and reenable the SLP motd when disabling maintenance

The configuration file is shown at the bottom of this post.
Learn more about the plugin (commands, permissions, configuration, updating and API usage) in the wiki listed below.


Found a bug? Report it on the issue tracker
Other problems or questions? Click the wonderful image below!



If the wiki is one click too far away for you, you can get a sense of some features by looking into the config.
Whitelisted players for maintenance and messages are in two other files, but here’s the config file:

# Enables maintenance mode.
maintenance-enabled: false

# The message shown in the multiplayer server list motd when maintenance is enabled.
# If you put in multiple entries, one of them will be chosen randomly on every ping.
# If running an endtimer, the time left can be displayed by including '%TIMER%' in a pingmessage (also works in playercount(-hover) message).
  - "&cMaintenance mode!%NEWLINE%&6We will be back soon!"
# - "Other entry"

# Is shown when you move your mouse above the text at the top right corner of the server in the serverlist,
# where the playercount would normally be displayed.
playercounthovermessage: "&cCurrently under%NEWLINE%&cmaintenance"

# If set to true, the server icon will be changed to the 'maintenance-icon.png' file in the plugin's folder during maintenance.
custom-maintenance-icon: false

# If set to true, players with the 'maintenance.joinnotification' permission will receive a message,
# that a player tried to join the server while maintenance is enabled.
send-join-notification: false

# Changes the language of command feedback/messages.
# Currently available are: en (English), de (German), fr (French), pt (Portuguese)
language: en

# If using the timer command: In what intervalls before enabling/disabling maintenance there will be a broadcast.
timer-broadcast-for-seconds: [1200, 900, 600, 300, 120, 60, 30, 20, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

# If disabled, you will no longer receive any messages if there is an update.
# Not recommended to disable, as new versions generally tend to run better and with less bugs.
# However, you can always check for updates manually using the '/maintenance update' command.
update-checks: true
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In our continuing effort to phase out the Plugin Releases category, this thread is being locked because the plugin is already listed on Ore.

Check it out: KennyTV / Maintenance