MChat - Chat formatting plugin
- Provides chat message formatting
- Provides a reload command (/mchat reload [info/config/censor] = mchat.reload)
- Provides Prefix/Suffix support to players join/leave/kick/ban messages
- Custom leave/join/kick messages
- Supports All major Perm plugins **WIP**
- Supports Color code **WIP**
- Defaults to normal formatting if nothing defined in config
- Config is auto-created and auto-updated
- Can switch to API only mode
- 3 Different Colour Code types
- Custom Variables
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Current API
import ca.q0r.sponge.mchat.MChat;
//Use something like this to check if MChat is installed:
MChat mPlugin = (MChat) GameInstance.getPluginManager().getPlugin("MChat");
if (mPlugin != null) {
Current Doxygen Javadocs
Javadocs are created for each Dev build that is built through the Travis-CI build server.
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It is being updated for Sponge. I have yet to update the references on this post. That is why it is in WIP.
It still hurts when i look at the code…
At some places you repeat yourself multiple times like:
// Initialize Classes
// Register Events
// Setup Commands
Oh really, your doing what you just wrote? Never expected that!
Or lets take another example, which does exactly the opposite:
String p = "user";
String t = "player";
String T = "Player";
String uuid = "";
if (type == InfoType.GROUP) {
p = "group";
t = "group";
T = "Group";
What are you declaring there?
I don’t like to rant, but this extremely hurt me.
I didn’t know my code would upset you so much! I will work on making it more readable.
Pushed a commit with slightly cleared code.
Any updates on the progress of mchat for sponge? I am running mymcadmin and it utilizes mchat for additional functionality, however if you have plans on creating a forge version of mchat (would be amazing). I would much appreciate it!
Not much progress as of yet. I will look into both API’s in the near future.