Plugin to give vip plans to your players.
The PixelVip github is: https://github.com/FabioZumbi12/Sponge-PixelVip
See all commands, permissions and features on Ore plugins page:
The PixelVip github is: https://github.com/FabioZumbi12/Sponge-PixelVip
See all commands, permissions and features on Ore plugins page:
Spongepowered guidelines say that a plugin should not include the word sponge in a way that it seems like it’s supported the sponge team. Check the docs on that here: https://docs.spongepowered.org/master/en/about/rules.html
OK, i will change.
Renamed to PixeVip, thanks.
I have some questions if anyone can help me:
I tryng to make a loop task but seems the task is running only once . This is the task: https://github.com/FabioZumbi12/Sponge-PixelVip/blob/master/src/main/java/br/net/fabiozumbi12/pixelvip/PixelVip.java#L126
I tryng to update my command to show the arguments if i do a reload on my plugin with this: https://github.com/FabioZumbi12/Sponge-PixelVip/blob/master/src/main/java/br/net/fabiozumbi12/pixelvip/cmds/PVCommands.java#L33
I want to update the group list to use on tab completion if i add more vip groups and on reload, this group show on tab for this command. I get no erros, but the group is not added.
Thanks for help.
For the scheduler try using the task builder
Sponge.getScheduler().createTaskBuilder().interval(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS).execute(t -> {
Hum, tanks! I will try!
Thanks, this way is working fine ^^
All is fixed and the listener to vip expiration is working.
If anyone want to test, can download the latest version:
A moderator can move this tópico to PLugin releases?
Afters some time testing on my servers seems dont have major erros and seems stable.
poderia me tirar uma duvida?
como faço para automatizá-lo?
tipo na hora que o pagamento é confirmado o vip é ativado ou usar o código de transferencial para ativar o vip? (no vipzaro é assim , no pixelvip tem essa opção tbm?)
Hi Man, i need to know, this plugin is commpatibile with luckperms? Because im getting error (“Argument was not a valid choise. Valid choises: [vip1]”) but i have added the group wich im trying to add user to.
Não implementei isso ainda, e nem na versão de Bukkit/Spigot. Creio que aqui eu não va implementar, mas apenas na versão de Bukkit/Spigot.
Paste the logs from console here(or on hastebin.com) to i get the info necessary to fix.
Sorry but i already deleted the plugin.
Hello, I am a player from china. Support master. Sponge support
All new updates will be moved to Ore Downloads: https://ore.spongepowered.org/FabioZumbi12/PixelVip
All images are broken currently D:
I am using permissionManager, how do I change the config?
Hi I love this plugin but something doesn’t right
I‘m using the plugin for sponge 1.12beat
It can run but when i enter the relevant instructions it always display null
Can you fixed this? I’m need it. Thank you~
Hello, I have a problem with my use.
Try the latest (build 67): http://areaz12server.net.br:8080/job/PixelVip/