Method to register commands

How would I go about creating a separate method to register my commands? This is what I have so far:

  // I have all of my imports, I just decided not to paste them
@Plugin(id = "me.roboticplayer.helloworld", name = "Hello World", version = "1.0")
public class HelloWorld implements CommandExecutor {

  public void onInitialization(GameInitializationEvent e) {

  public CommandResult execute(CommandSource sender, CommandContext commandcontext) throws CommandException {
    // Temporary!
    return null;

  public void registerHello() {
    CommandSpec hello = CommandSpec.builder().description(Texts.of("Says hello to the sender!")).executor(this)

  // Right here I want to put something that will actually register the command
  // If I were in an event, I could do e.getGame().getCommandDispatcher().register(params)
  // But I'm not, and I don't know what methods I can use to get the game/command dispatcher

Store a reference to the Game object in your class as a private field.
The simplest way is to @Inject it.

public class HelloWorld implements CommandExecutor {

    private Game game;
    public void registerHello() {
        CommandSpec hello = CommandSpec.builder().description(Texts.of("Says hello to the sender!")).executor(this)

You could also pass the game object to registerHello as a parameter but you’ll find it more convenient to use a field.

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Great, thanks! I’ll try it out.

I recommend reading through the documentation laid out here: