Microsoft buys Mojang

I don’t think rewriting it in C++ will make it any faster, It might be better coded which will make it faster, although if its recoded in Java properly, then it should be just as fast.


I really don’t think this is as big of a deal as everyone is making it out to be. Now don’t get me wrong, I actually really hate Microsoft as a company. I don’t like how they pretty much monopolize the PC market, I don’t like their business formats and I don’t like their unstoppable size. But all that aside, I recognize that they are a reliable company with access to the resources and efficiency that can lead Minecraft towards the prosperous future it deserves. I think we should all at least give Microsoft a chance. Surely they deserve one chance. At this point it’s hard to say how things will turn out. I can see potential outcomes on both ends, but whatever the outcome, there’s one thing I know. Through my many experiences with Microsoft, both good and bad, if there’s one thing I’ve learned about Microsoft, it’s that all they care about is their profit margins. How does this help Minecraft and Sponge? Well the people at Microsoft are
n’t stupid, and for the most part they’re quite effective in marketing, and I can tell, as I’m sure many of you can, that Microsoft both admires and respects the many freedoms that Minecraft’s community enjoys. They understand that that’s what makes Minecraft what it is. They wouldn’t ruin something like that, doing so would ruin their profits. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw the addition of an in game micro transactions market or something more for them to monotise on.

In short, they know what they’re doing, and if they just spent 2.5 billion USD on basically not much more than Minecraft in itself, the last thing they’d want to do is spoil that investment.


Not going to happen.

Ok nice, I understand the situation even better now. Thanks! :smiley:

Guys… I think it’s time to start developing a Minecraft alternative.

This will be good for Minecraft in the short term, but I can’t see this being a good thing long term.


Not really all that surprising that some of the more anti-Microsoft people would jump ship with this news.

I just hope that they don’t do something that would make it incompatible with linux, like porting the game to another scripting language like C#. Microsoft historically has had no love for the open source community(they are about as anti-open source that you can get for a company.), so I’m not all that sure about the future of sponge either.

Perhaps there may be some perks in this. For example, what if they lift the no server monetising of servers? If so, that would be one thing to look forward to.

Lets not be too pessimistic about this. I believe that Microsoft could possibly make this work - they’ve produced amazing things (… such as Windows 7 …). What I’m trying to say here is that we shouldn’t all be worrying about the bad things such as the fact it may ruin all servers and stuff. Everyone believes this is a big mistake by Notch himself, however we should respect his decisions.

If Microsoft do end up making the game worse, then not only would it bring down the Minecraft community, it may also completely wreck Microsoft’s reputation which I’m pretty certain they don’t want to do, hence I believe it’s going to be okay.

  • Skepter

so true


I do not think it’s that bad, I think it is a big part of Minecraft’s future, but everyone has their own opinion:

You don’t spend $2.5B on something to not get a return on investment. They’re going to charge us for something, we just don’t know what it is yet. Some options:

  1. Only allowed to play official servers, which have a monthly subscription
  2. Pay to unlock new blocks when released
  3. Cape DLC
  4. Mountain Dew Doritos unlockable pet cosmetics

#1 is the one I’m most worried about, because it means the end of Sponge, Forge, Feed the Beast, and everything else the community has produced so far.

I just wish they’d sold it to someone else – there are a hundred other studios that could take it and give it the treatment it deserves.

But the reports already said minecraft continues to make profit year after year on the current model due to the briallant community and moding scene.
There is also the idea floating around that they plan to use it to boost the window phone platform, pheraphs by portaing minecraft there to help booster sales.
I doubt they will restrict servers which will kill off most the the community

Minecraft to windows phone? Sounds like a good move. If I were the CEO of Microsoft, that’s what I would do.

Plus, I would like to be able to play minecraft on the go, as I am a windows phone owner.

There are millions of players who don’t play with mods though – they wouldn’t care if the mod community died out. Like others have said the only way to know is to wait, but I see more potential for loss than gain, and it’d be smart to have an alternative in the works.

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I think the majority of you don’t see that this has the potential to be good for the community. Microsoft isn’t against people creating and is not against people modding. If they have even a little bit of sense and want to make any money at all then they will allow modding to continue as modding is really the only thing that kept minecraft afloat for so long (a lot of people would have stopped playing because multiplayer vanilla gets boring after a while). Before we all go off and say F*** IT! and drop the mic lets wait and see what happens.

Just saw this and can’t stop laughing

Then it’s no longer a game… just an engine.

LAWL, I’m just laughing thinking about all those people who jumped on the rumor bandwagon. They just got kicked down the hill, cause it turned out to be true. Apparently they aren’t smart enough to trust news sources, especially one such as the Wall Street Journal. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue:

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My predictions:

  1. They’re gonna C&D Sponge, Forge, and all other community-modified servers.
  2. They’re gonna introduce Live accounts or something like that.
  3. They’re gonna release Plugin API really fast, and will make big advertisement company out of it, trying to convince fans that “everything is okay”.
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Microsoft isn’t going to buy Minecraft just to make all it’s users unhappy. Microsoft is going to try to grow the game and make it as popular as it can be. They’re not going to waste the money and make all the players leave. I’m not too worried about this, and I just want to give Mojang some applause for making Minecraft into what it is today.


I’d like to see more transparency. To be fair, @sk89q has done a pretty good job of trying to tell as much as he can. This is one of the reasons I’ve really tried to stress to them that they need to get organised. They need a vision, core values, and establish organisational structure and workflow. This all needs to be relatively transparent.

Otherwise, you are a nice refreshing voice on these changes. I’d like to share your optimism.