Microsoft buys Mojang did you read this?

Well, Notch has sold us all out. We’re sunk.

With any luck, microsoft is smart and all they do is help with PR, legal issues and finances whilst leaving the game and community pretty much as it is.

I think the main reason notch did it was just to get the project off his hands. He apparentlly dosen’t like the stress that making one of the most popular games ever as brought.

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Nothing will change, except you need to play online! :wink:

PS: <color="gold"></color> and [color="gold"][/color] or <span style="color:gold;"></span> don’t work! :frowning: I had to use an image generator!


We need to wait to see what Microsoft have for Minecraft :smile:

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And it’s comments like that this that drove Notch to want to sell Mojang…

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TBH, if I was a developer that worked on Minecraft and I wanted a job at Minecraft… I’d start contacting them. It’s probably pretty safe to say that they’re interested in bringing some of the ‘community’ projects in-house (namely, those that are so central to the multiplayer experience like Sponge).

Maybe I can a job in Redmond working on Minecraft…

I think this will bring about many, many changes. Some negative, some positive. I have a feeling microsoft is going to respect the current modding community. I hope that cpw is going to stay though and forge, they are really vital to the sponge project itself. I don’t think that any rash decisions should be made until something is certain.

GG all, Mojang thinks we can’t survive without drama for at least a month.


Hopefully that changes, iirc half the problems with bukkit stemmed from no one know what was happening.


My reaction:

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More Minecraft-doomsday foretelling? C’mon guys…


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I have some concerns about how Microsoft has historically treated gaming communities. I don’t have a lot of faith that they’re going to be any less tone-deaf than they have in the past about interacting with their customers, and their attitude about maverick projects like Forge and Sponge has in the past been somewhat uneven- to put it very charitably.

I’m currently in “wait and see” mode. Good for Notch, though. 2.5 billion dollars is a hell of a payday, and I don’t blame him at all for wanting to get out of the Minecraft crosshairs.

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Why does every single person but a few think that this is a bad thing. People have been verysad about what’s been happening to mojang, Microsoft, as an even bigger company, might solve the DMCA thingys and all the other blahblahs.

I just hope that it won’t change Minecraft in a bad way altho not thinking it will, Microsoft DOES know that they didn’t only buy Mojang, they also bought the community. Microsoft understands that if this community is gone they wasted 2.5 billion dollars for nothing.


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The Mojang team will join Microsoft Studios, which includes the studios behind global blockbuster franchises “Halo,” “Forza,” “Fable” and more. Microsoft’s investments in cloud and mobile technologies will enable “Minecraft” players to benefit from richer and faster worlds, more powerful development tools, and more opportunities to connect across the “Minecraft” community.

The first marked sentence sounds promising for modding things, but the second one… it sounds a lot like some kind of ms-account shit comes to Minecraft…

Microsoft plans to continue to make “Minecraft” available across all the platforms on which it is available today: PC, iOS, Android, Xbox and PlayStation.

That’s good.

I don’t really know how to feel about this… On the one hand I hope it will continue like it is and get better, and on the other hand I don’t like the list of bad things, that Microsoft can possibly do to the game and more important, the community. I hope everything will be good. :3

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I guess a lot of us are concerned about how Microsoft defines “community”. I used to work there (for Zune) and while I know that pretty much all of the people there are talented, decent and hardworking individuals who as individuals have the highest ideals and goals in mind for all their endeavors- and I have nothing but love for all of them- Microsoft as a company hasn’t typically earned a lot of trust with regard to how open they’re willing to be and how they work with their customers.

Make no mistake, Microsoft’s not purchasing Mojang, they’re not purchasing Minecraft, they’re not even purchasing a community. In a sense, they’re purchasing a generation. I hope they’ll take their responsibility seriously, and I believe they probably will- but that doesn’t mean there’s not some very well-earned apprehension about this because their track record isn’t exactly stellar.


Hoping Microsoft will have it rewritten in C++ so it’s more optimised…
Then again that basically kills the remains of the modding community :confused:

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