Minecraft plugin api

I want to hear feedback from an active community of people on my thoughts for Minecraft. Even if the Minecraft devs do say they quit on the idea of a plugin api I think there is still something they could do. The Minecraft modders make up more then half of Minecraft itself. Shouldn’t they respect us a bit? Creating an api where for future updates updates to the mod are not required also ending the catch up with mc versions of Minecraft. Instead they can focus on adding awesome things. Now sponge and forge and bukkit are all big now in Minecraft. Instead of making everyone update to a new api and things like forge and sponge are useless they can build off of things that already exist.

Mods like optifine not for forge modify the base files of Minecraft. If they want to create an api they can create one for mods like optifine and shaders. Then they can create one for other things like forge. Creating an api that doesn’t allow much for someone just using the api all by itself but for things like forge and sponge. Not everyone uses them and we don’t have to force it on everyone.

Sponge devs can build sponge and know they don’t have to keep up with mc versions. That could be the point the plugin api could be used for. I want to hear your feedback on this idea. I am no programmer. I am just someone who can dream up ideas. Ask questions and I will answer them best I can and try to edit this so others can understand. Thanks for being awesome the Sponge community. Keep it up!

Um… Sponge is already doing this. When sponge become stable, plugin devs no longer need to keep up with minecraft versions.

The idea is for everything. Sponge devs won’t have to keep up with minecraft versions and same with forge. I can’t imagine that Sponge will have absolutely no breakage as updates come. Still this can be useful so Sponge can work on improving it with little updates and not worrying about next update. Thanks for the feedback.

If you think a official api would have no breaking changes each version you are living in a dream world

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Maybe if its not made the right way. This api is built off of something that breaks things which is minecraft. If they create a stable api that people build off of instead of a changing minecraft. A consistent api like this. I believe it can work. The devs would be the only people who could do this and they can still update minecraft. If they make it the right way I think ti could happen.

What you’re thinking of isn’t really feasible. If they made a modding api and just built minecraft features as plugins instead of core features, it would move what breaks down one level. Plugin developers would still have to build on top of the minecraft core plugin stuff. Which can still break.

I second clienthax’s sentiment above, what you’re asking for just doesn’t work.

Thanks for the feedback. I never got feedback on the Minecraft forums and this community is active. I think what sponge is doing is awesome. I was just hoping of some way to end the pain for developers even though I am not one myself I can understand it. I wanted to think of something or hope for something that allowed developers to not have to worry about catching up with Minecraft updates. People like forge developers I am mostly looking at. Sadly this doesn’t work. Thanks for the honest feedback and if there is anything you guys know further on the topic feel free to respond. Thanks

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Sponge / Forge / etc will also always keep releasing updates with fixes as they are noticed, a mojang API would end up being pushed out at some point with minimal testing , and as bugs get noticed, sure they’d get fixed, but would probabably sit and wait and wait and wait to release a patch after 2 weeks, then if a bug wasnt fixed in that patch, wait around another 4 weeks or more for a new patch, and if bugs found after that, wait around for 2 months for another rollout fix…

You’re assuming that the first thing out of the gate would be 100% perfect (mojang api implimentation) with a release for each new minecraft version, and there is no way it would be, but mojang wont like to push out a new version for each fix made and have version numbers like 1.9.143 – and yet, since the api-implimentation-fixes would be within the ‘official version’ that official version would have to be pushed out public so you still end up with things chasing versions one way or another - but with a project like sponge, rollouts will be done in logical clusters and within breaking/nonbreaking compatibility groups. Mojang taking 9 months for 1.7 and 16 months for 1.8 is establishing a new pace - they wont have time for constant bug fixes to the ‘backside’ of the system when as far as they are concerned, all the command stuff works as-supposed to and Sethbling can make anything work to include in their Realms systems from it without errors, and they can get back to adding downloadable content for mobile versions and coding some special features that will only be available on the computer if mom and dad shell out for the Microsoft Office package for a more-special windows version, or special things only for super-platinum-plus account subscribers for Xbox services, etc…