Missed State of Sponge VI? Don't worry!

We had our long awaited State of Sponge VI, mind you it is a bit on the long side.



I love you. I love you so, so much.

Binge watches the entire video.

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I was in the video xD :smiley:

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Cool… they said my name too… except I wasn’t me, I was “Socratic_Phoenix”

Amazing job, team! Thoroughly enjoyed this SoS.

@gabizou, your coding looks quite impressive when the playback speed is 1.5x normal :smile:

IntelliJ helps autocomplete most everything. I’ve got it down to the point that I know what I need to type to autocomplete correctly (most of the time). But with everything in life, practice practice practice :slight_smile: .


what is the server ip?

It’s probably closed now.

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