MMCRestrict - A simple item restriction plugin

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, MMCRestrict. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


This plugin is a simple to use item restriction plugin with easy item management and item permission nodes.



API 5-6: leelawd93 / MMCRestrict

API 7: leelawd93 / MMCRestrict


  • Add items by either using your hand or from a chest
  • Permission’s to allow certain users to bypass restriction
  • Optional world ban cleanup - Checked via command /restrict checkchunks
  • Search command to search for any block in all loaded chunks
  • Transferable banneditems.conf file for use in any server

Adding items from a chest

  1. Place items to be banned inside a vanilla chest.
  2. Equip flint in main hand and shift-right click.
  3. check /banneditems to make sure items have been added.
  4. Chest can now be removed if not required.


  • Items that are already banned will be skipped during chest inspection, So you can use a chest for visual representation in a safe place.
  • Double chests will require you to shift-right click both sides to get all items.



  • /Restrict add - Add an item to the list from your hand
  • /Restrict remove (itemID)
  • /Restrict edit (itemID) (option) (value)
  • /Restrict search (itemID)
  • /Restrict whatsthis - Tells you the itemID of the item in hand
  • /Banneditems - List all items on the ban list, Players with edit perms can use this to edit item values
  • /Restrict sendtochest (itemID) - Searches all currently loaded chunks for the itemID and places a chest at the blocks location with the block inside.


This plugin uses bStats to anonymously collect usage data.

You can disable this by going to config/bstats/config.conf.

All collected stats can be found here:


If you like what I do, Please consider giving a donation, every little helps! :slight_smile: Donate


Great ! Do you think you can allow a certain group to use or not items ?

You should be able to do that by giving a group something like mmcrestrict.bypass.own.minecraft:stone

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Awesome, can’t wait to try !

A new version has been released for MMCRestrict, it is available for download here.


  • Config option to log actions and changes to a file


  • Message after sending a /restrict search
  • Restricted block were still able to be used if placed in the world without the bypass permission
  • Chunk searching was not searching the entire chunk. Now it is.

I’m trying to ban a certain item on our server. It’s a Biome Marker from ExtraUtilities2. The issue is that I only want to ban the Biome Marker with the Hell NBT tag in it. Is that possible to do with MMCRestrict?

Unfortunately, I believe that this Is not possible since only their NBT tags are modified. I could look into some way to detect this but I could not promise anything in the near future.

A new version has been released for MMCRestrict, it is available for download here.

Start work on drop bans
World ban scheduler removes blocks in Sync task.

A new version has been released for MMCRestrict, it is available for download here.

Merge pull request #2 from Stonebound/break-place-banning

  • Added break and place ban option

A new version has been released for MMCRestrict, it is available for download here.

Merge pull request #3 from Stonebound/update/causerefactor

  • update to api7 causetracker changes

No other changes, Just a version to be compatible with API 7

Does this plugin delete banned items when people obtain them? Or just not let them use those banned items?

A new version has been released for MMCRestrict, it is available for download here.

  • add /restrict sendtochest
  • move automatic chunk search to command (No longer automatically searches chunks due to performance issues)

What does sendtochest do? just curious haha couldn’t find it in the ore page description

Honestly it was mostly something i added because i wanted and needed it for something recently lol.

But essentially all it does is search for a specified block in the currently loaded chunks and replaces them with a chest with the block inside.

The block needs to have either all or part of its name in the whitelist config for it to allow the search to happen (like the “minecraft:furnace” or “minecraft” or “furnace”)

A new version has been released for MMCRestrict, it is available for download here.


  • Ignore air block / itemtype none in events
  • Fix cop/paste error with serializing ItemData

Great job.
Do you have plans to add configurable chat messages?

Great plugin, honestly can’t imagine making a modded server without this plugin. Essential to my server!

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A new version has been released for MMCRestrict, it is available for download here.


  • Permission check for item restrictions

all : are now replaced with . so minecraft:stone would be minecraft.stone

A new version has been released for MMCRestrict, it is available for download here.


  • NoSuchMethodError with latest api7 versions

A new version has been released for MMCRestrict, it is available for download here.

  • Sort banned items alphabetically
  • Add Inventory & Craft events
  • Add Craft ban configurations
  • General cleanup of EventListener
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