MSRedstone - The first on-command redstone plugin for Sponge!

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, MSRedstone. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


The first on-command redstone plugin for Sponge!

MSRedstone is currently still under development, and only the bare minimum features are currently enabled.

“Redstone Signs” are used to turn a sign into a redstone torch via command. This allows for an automated approach to redstone!


  • Toggling signs
  • Naming signs
  • Re-naming signs

To Create a Redstone Sign

line 0: [msrc]
line 1: name
line 2: time

Once the sign has all of the required information, you will need to add it to the config.
To do so, you will need to do:

/msrc create    (This puts you into creation mode)

then right click the sign that you would like to turn into a redstone sign.

Verify the sign has been created properly

To verify that the sign has been created, and see other redstone signs you can run the following command

/msrc list

This command returns a list of all redstone signs in the config, and allows you to teleport to them by clicking on the sign you would like to teleport to.

To use a Redstone Sign

Once you have created your Redstone Sign and have verified that the sign exists, you can begin using the sign. To turn the redstone sign into a redstone torch, you can use the following command

/msrc enable (name)

Now that we have enabled the sign, we need to disable it. That is done by the following:

/msrc disable (name)


help -
create - msrc.command.create
enable - msrc.command.enable
disable - msrc.command.disable
list - msrc.command.list
setname - msrc.command.setname

Planned Features

  • Multi-Server support via Velocity
  • Scheduling
  • AutoMessages (When the sign is activated (will be togglable via config))
  • TimeUnit support (currently in seconds)

A new version has been released for MSRedstone, it is available for download here.

Initial Release