🎼 Composer v2.0.0 -- Note block music importer and player [MC1.10.2+/API5+]

:notes: Composer :notes:


Composer is a full featured note block music importer and player. Import Note Block Studio files by placing them in the config/composer/tracks/ directory and the plugin will automatically load them on start.

Composer comes with a full music player built in as shown below. There are commands for each action you can perform within this menu as well as the text itself being clickable.

:paperclip: Download

:wrench: Source

:bug: Issues

:gem: Features

  • Per player music player for loaded tracks.
  • Play, pause, shuffle, skip, back actions.
  • Flexible API to allow developers to create compositions programmatically or import other file formats.

:electric_plug: Installation

  1. Place the composer-x.x-SNAPSHOT.jar file in your mods/ folder.
  2. Place your .nbs files in the config/composer/tracks/ directory. (Here’s a good collection to get you started)
  3. Run the server.

:mega: Commands

Note: The -p lets you target a player other than yourself.

  • /composer or /music: Base command for plugin. These can be used interchangeably.
  • /music list
    • Aliases: list-tracks, tracks, track-list
  • /music play [-p <player>] <trackNumber>
    • Aliases: start, >
  • /music pause [-p <player>]
    • Aliases: stop, ||
  • /music resume [-p <player>]
  • /music shuffle [-p <player>]
  • /music queue [-p <player>]: Shows this player’s play queue
    • Aliases: order
  • /music next [-p <player>]
    • Aliases: skip, >|
  • /music previous [-p <player>]
    • Aliases: back, |<

:lock: Permissions

  • composer.musicplayer: Allows access to music player commands.
  • composer.musicplayer.others: Allows use of -p flag.

Awesome stuff here. I also didnt know about the Minecraft Note Block Studio.

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looks like @clienthax has some competition, he already has this

Welcome back btw.

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Doesn’t seem to be working with latest version of sponge.

Thanks for letting me know, I’ll try to get around to updating it soon.

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I like this. So does this mean you can add songs to your server you can share or is it just a way to allow personal radios with commands or share with friends?

Basically the latter, it’s like a personal MP3 player for players essentially.

I like that. This is cool. I don’t see anything like it on bukkit. This gives me another reason to update to sponge. Thanks

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O noes!, compertition ;_;

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Updated for SpongeAPI 4.1.0, you can get the new release here.

Any idea when you will be updating to 1.10?

New releases available

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[12:40:53] [Thread-17/INFO]: [STDERR]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 9
[12:40:53] [Thread-17/INFO]: [STDERR]: at se.walkercrou.composer.nbs.NoteBlockStudioSong.readNoteBlocks(NoteBlockStudioSong.java:167)
[12:40:53] [Thread-17/INFO]: [STDERR]: at se.walkercrou.composer.nbs.NoteBlockStudioSong.read(NoteBlockStudioSong.java:118)
[12:40:53] [Thread-17/INFO]: [STDERR]: at se.walkercrou.composer.Composer.lambda$loadTracks$1(Composer.java:84)
[12:40:53] [Thread-17/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

latest plugin version

@windy Was the start of several songs.


@anon34495435 Thanks, I’ll look into those when I get a chance.

Hello, could you play music in a specific block radius?

Was wondering if still works in the latest sponge 1.10.2

Edit: Tested it and only 1 song gets registered even though I have 5 correct .nbs files. The registered file doesn’t even have it’s name correct. It will say unknown by unknown but it plays fine.

This was the error message I got when starting the server.


Also found a bug that you can play two music at a time. It will definitely kill your ears lol.

Would love to use this so hopefully these gets fixed :smiley:

any update on this? also getting the same bug as snow is. I added over 150 songs but only 1 of them show up.

I like this plug-in. Can you let him use it on 1.12.2?