Non-static method problem

I would like to store in a ItemStack a BiomeType, but I have this error:

Error:(119, 18) java: non-static method offer(H) cannot be referenced from a static context


public void onPreInitialization(GamePreInitializationEvent event) throws IOException {
            .builder(new MyBiomeTypeData.Builder())

    ItemStack.offer(new MyBiomeTypeData());


public class MyBiomeTypeData extends AbstractSingleData<BiomeType, MyBiomeTypeData, MyBiomeTypeData.Immutable> {

public MyBiomeTypeData() {
    super(BiomeTypes.PLAINS, ToolKeys.BIOME_TYPE);

MyBiomeTypeData(BiomeType biometype) {
    super(biometype, ToolKeys.BIOME_TYPE);

public Value<BiomeType> getValueGetter() {
    return Sponge.getRegistry().getValueFactory().createValue(ToolKeys.BIOME_TYPE, getValue());

public Value<BiomeType> biometype() {
    return getValueGetter();

public Optional<MyBiomeTypeData> fill(DataHolder dataHolder, MergeFunction overlap) {
    Optional<MyBiomeTypeData> data_ = dataHolder.get(MyBiomeTypeData.class);
    if (data_.isPresent()) {
        MyBiomeTypeData data = data_.get();
        MyBiomeTypeData finalData = overlap.merge(this, data);
    return Optional.of(this);

public Optional<MyBiomeTypeData> from(DataContainer container) {
    return Optional.of(this);

public MyBiomeTypeData copy() {
    return new MyBiomeTypeData(getValue());

public Immutable asImmutable() {
    return new Immutable(getValue());

public int getContentVersion() {
    return 1;

public class Immutable extends AbstractImmutableSingleData<BiomeType, Immutable, MyBiomeTypeData> {
    Immutable(BiomeType biometype) {
        super(biometype, ToolKeys.BIOME_TYPE);

    protected ImmutableValue<?> getValueGetter() {
        return Sponge.getRegistry().getValueFactory().createValue(ToolKeys.BIOME_TYPE, getValue()).asImmutable();

    public MyBiomeTypeData asMutable() {
        return new MyBiomeTypeData(getValue());

    public int getContentVersion() {
        return 1;
public static class Builder extends AbstractDataBuilder<MyBiomeTypeData> implements DataManipulatorBuilder<MyBiomeTypeData, Immutable> {
    public Builder() {
        super(MyBiomeTypeData.class, 1);

    public MyBiomeTypeData create() {
        return new MyBiomeTypeData(BiomeTypes.PLAINS);

    public Optional<MyBiomeTypeData> createFrom(DataHolder dataHolder) {
        return create().fill(dataHolder);

    protected Optional<MyBiomeTypeData> buildContent(DataView container) throws InvalidDataException {
        return Optional.of(create());


This is a basic java error. You really should learn java before sponge.

The function offer only works if there is a item stack to offer to. By using the ItemStack class without an instance of the class and then using a function that only work if there is a instance of it will throw this error. This is the simplest way I could think of explaining it.

To create an instance of itemstack, use ItemStack.builder()