Nucleus: The Ultimate Essentials Plugin (MC 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2)

Nucleus supports “first join kits” or an initial inventory so it already has that - see

@IBG_Nova I recently (like within the past month ish.) had to deal with players getting stuck in the void as well on my pixelmon server.

MC: 1.8.9

And found the only way around this if you have the global config enabled was to change the setting below to false. (which actually fixed quite a few issues for me regarding pixelmon spawning too).


After spending countless hours tweaking settings and occasionally resetting configs, the problem no longer persisted after changing it lol.

Another thing to note, it doesn’t happen with /spawn because by default spawn is kept in memory.


What a life saver!

This didn’t seem to fix it for my server. xD

I’m trying to roll it into Nucleus anyway - so hang tight. I’ve made a start!

Having some issues with /back. Doesn’t seem to be tracking the last teleport a player used. Or when they died.

Other question, I’ve seen the permission node to set unlimited homes, but nothing for in between unlimited, and 1. Am I missing something there?

Also is there a way to get rid of the safe teleportation on /tp. Everytime i try to do either /tp or /tppos and use a coord it always tells me unsafe location.

Oh wow this post has gotten popular. Keep up the good work. I remember I was one of the first few to see this.

Most problems should be resolved by the above Nucleus PR and a PR I recently made to Sponge for 1.10.2

As for your homes thing, it’s an option, not a permission. You need to set the home-count option for the player or group in question. See

I noticed that you said Hassan said it was a GP bug on the GP thread, if this is the issue, it’s nothing to do with GP, if not, please post it publically to here or GitHub so we can all try to help, understand how players use the plugin and adapt to that in future. As it stands, I don’t think GP does anything with our home handling…

Realised I wasn’t reading the right thread, yeah, you posted and he meant LuckPerms. Well, my mistake, sorry all!

I meant to actually post the home thing inside of LuckPerms my bad :confused:

Haha, no problem! If they don’t support options yet, hopefully they will soon! :slight_smile:

Currently trying to get the default’s nightmare with GP worked out right now I believe but hopefully this can just sneak in as well haha.

I’ve opened an issue over there, to ask for the support.

Version 0.12 is now available for Minecraft 1.8.9 and 1.10.2

This version supports Sponge API 4.1 and 5-SNAPSHOT (1.8.9 and 1.10.2). Particularly for the 1.10.x version, note that there might be issues, please report them in the usual way.

IF YOU ARE RUNNING MC 1.10.2 you MUST be running SpongeForge 1759 or later or the latest SpongeVanilla, as Nucleus targets the very latest API 5 changes. If you cannot update Sponge, do not update to 0.12 until you are able to do so.

New features in this release:

  • Reworked the majority of the Worlds module. It now assumes defaults, and in particular, the creation command is now much better.
  • /world create now accepts generator modifiers. See /world create ? for more info.
  • /world unload can force players off the world and transfer them to a world of your choosing using -t <world>. It can also disable the world (prevent from being reloaded), use the -d flag.
  • /world list now displays more information, and optionally the seed with the permission
  • Other commands in the World module should now be more reliable.
  • /info and /motd improvements
  • Player tokens, such as {{displayname}} can now be used in the info and motd files.
  • An option has been added to prevent the MOTD using the pagination service.
  • Added ability to choose a specific info file to be displayed when /info is run, rather than the list of files (which can be accessed using the -l flag and the permission.
  • Added markdown like links to motd and info files - you can now add the following snippets to your info text and motd.txt files:
  • [LinkNameHere](http://link) for links

  • [Command](/command) to run the command /command, add {{player}} to include the player in the command.

  • Add ability to globally (in main.conf) disable safe teleport when when using /home, /warp, /spawn, /tp*
  • Add ability to set the range of the safe teleport
  • Improve group based chat templates
  • Default chat and name colours can be added to the
  • A weighting parameter has been added to try to make it easier for admins to ensure the correct template is selected when a player is in multiple groups. The highest weight wins.
  • Added /entityinfo
  • Added /nucleus update-messages to allow those who use messages.conf to update their files in a safe way, so that messages that have been changed and require a different number of tokens can be updated.
  • Use this when you update Nucleus. If any message needs to be changed, the old message will become a comment in the file.
  • Added /sethome -o to allow players to overwrite homes they already have.

Remember, every command has some sort of help if you add the argument ? to the end of it - so for help with world create, run /world create ? to get something like this:

There have been many bug fixes and backend changes too, read the relase notes and download from GitHub Releases: Release Version 0.121.0 (for 1.8.9 and 1.10.2) · NucleusPowered/Nucleus · GitHub

Don’t forget that we have docs and a searchable command reference if you’re struggling to find what you want from Nucleus, it might already be there!


Was this meant to fix the void tp glitch? If it was it still isn’t fixed. :stuck_out_tongue:

Keep up the good work @dualspiral the newest beta build looks great, and it is getting much closer to a full release it seems. However, it still lacks the functionality of kick exempt. This can be problematic, if a player who is a lower rank, kicks or bans someone of a higher rank. I know that that this is on the github, but just wanted to put it here as a reminder =). No complaints other than that, and keep giving us an awesome essentials plugin.

I would like to have it in /rules

EDIT: Something doesn’t work for me


It’s a problem with Sponge and not Nucleus, I may have accidentally introduced a bug the last time I touched pagination.

In addition you are using the unicode font for Minecraft (Presumably because you need a non-english character set) We havn’t added proper support yet to detect / fix the pagination for unicode characters.

We either need to auto-detect and change it based on locale, or create some sort of toggle command that is remembered per player.

I miss Unicode support: /info (file names), /warp (name of move).

Players can’t use /back. You can’t go back, as the position is not defined.