Nucleus: The Ultimate Essentials Plugin (MC 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2)

Hey @dualspiral Since updating to .12 my staff can no longer alter their social spy status. we can turn it on with /socialspy true but cannot turn it off using any modifier. We used to just use /socialspy to turn it on and off but that isnt possible anymore. Just wanted to let you know.

Apologies guys, I’ve been away on personal business for the past few days, and will be for another couple of days, so won’t have much time to look at these, but I will do when I get chance.

From which version, and which version of Minecraft? I haven’t touched social spy recently, so unless you jumped quite significantly, not sure what would cause this, unless it’s always been a problem.

They can’t use back after what? Dying? Warping? Please be more specific.

@dualspiral Dying and Warping
Can only use I’m.

We are on Mincraft 1.8.9, Sponge Beta version 1762, Nucleus .12

No errors appear in console when I try to set it but in game I get the following message:
“Your socialspy status cannot be set” This happens to all players even ops when they attempt to use the command. We had no issue in .11, issue only occured when we updated to .12

Thanks for the good work!

I can verify this is a new issue. This has never been an issue before, but with update 0.12.0 you can no longer turn social spy off.

Nucleus has issues with Command Blocks for automatic gamemode changing. With command blocks I can no longer use any of the arguments to automatically change a players gamemode from survival to adventure to protect spawn. Normally can be done with Command Blocks set on a loop to check players gamemode on entering spawn and leaving the block range.

Ah, oops. I know what I did, I simplified some code a bit too much! I’ll fix that now, along with a couple of other bugs. Expect 0.12.1 in the next few hours. Sorry guys!

For me there info?

# Time, in seconds, that a player has to wait between uses of this command. Set to 0 to disable.
# Cost of a command that a player has to pay to use the command. The cost will only be deducted if successful. Set to 0 to disable.
# Sets whether a command is enabled.
# Time, in seconds, that a player has to wait without moving or using other commands before their command will execute. Set to 0 to disable.

@anon34495435 It works for me. You’ll need to make sure the following is set up correctly, it’s at, but for ease:

In main.conf, you want onDeath and onTeleport to be true

back {
    # Log player's location on death.
    # Log player's last location after travelling through a portal.
    # Log player's last location on warp.

Your users then need the permissions:


Version 0.12.1 is now available for Minecraft 1.8.9 and 1.10.2

This is a bug fix release, fixing /rtp not working with surface only warps (for real this time!) and /socialspy not working as a toggle.

Read the release notes and download from GitHub Releases: Release Version 0.121.1 (for 1.8.9 and 1.10.2) · NucleusPowered/Nucleus · GitHub

And not sure if you saw my message before, but the warp void glitch is still there anytime someone warps to an unloaded area.

I looked here commands2.html It was not. Thanks, will check after work.

Edit: Thank you! Works. Why Do not output a message about lack of permissions?!!

Because the /back command does not have any notion of why the last location was set. Indeed, the player has permission to run /back, but not to set the last location on death. So, it’s entirely logical that no message is output, because it isn’t anything to do with the command at the time they are needed.

You’re right that the commands docs should probably show these permissions associated with the /back command, and that’s a simple thing for me to fix up, but did have them too, so they were there!

@IBG_Nova I added force loading the chunk to my teleport routines, I don’t know what else I can do right now if Sponge/Minecraft isn’t loading the chunk like that.

R.I.P alright just thought I’d let you know it is still an issue.

It’s useful to know, don’t get me wrong! Just not sure what I can do right now about it, I’m sorry! :confused:

Your not alone. I haven’t found a working solution either

@dualspiral Can you open an issue on Github for that? IIRC, teleporting a player (not necessarily other types of entities) should always cause surrounding chunks to be loaded.

I have disabled every safe spawn possible and added the spawn perms?

But no matter what I can’t spawn at 0 64 0 on entrence with set spawn and set first spawn it’s always random by 16 blocks are so like vanilla.

Hey @dualspiral I’ve started to get reports of issues with /vanish. Apparently occasionally when players are vanished other players without the permission to see them can still see them.