Nucleus: The Ultimate Essentials Plugin (MC 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2)

This is our chat module:

We have multiple prefixes. How could I have Mod and Noble prefixes show to a single player, for example [Mod] [Noble] :

Ah, OK, I see what you’re doing. What permissions plugin are you using?

Version: 1.10.2 MC

Ok, for each staff rank, run the command:

/pex group <group name> option staffrank <ranktag>

So, <group name> would be the name of the group you want to assign the staff tag, and ranktag would what you would want to display - that is /pex group mod option prefix &5[Mod] would give the mod group a purple [Mod] tag.

In your chat config, for each prefix, add the tag {{o:staffrank:s}} wherever you want the tag to appear. It will only appear if the player has a tag there, so you don’t need to worry about normal players getting a staff tag. So, your novice group might have the following prefix:

prefix="{{o:staffrank:s}}&8[&7Novice&8] &3{{displayname}}&f: "

Notice there is no space, that’s what the :s is for, it tells Nucleus to add a space between the tags, but only if the tag exists.

Can I also suggest that for each of your group templates that you set the weight on them? For each rank, increase weight by one, to make sure you get the order you’re expecting. Sometimes, PEX gives you an order you’re not expecting. I haven’t worked out how to solve this for staff tags yet, but if you make sure that group inheritance is set up, it should be fine.

I hope this helps!

I ran the pex command for each staff rank and added the staffrank tags wherever I want them to appear. When I add a player to a staff rank and another rank with a prefix it still only shows the highest weight prefix, not both of the prefixes. Here is the updates chat module:

RTP isnt working. Module is enabled/

It goes “Searching for Safe location” and then sends a message saying “Timed out looking for safe location”, happens consistently.

@TacticalTickler I’ll investigate and get back to you - it’s entirely possible that I missed something.

@Nathan_Rabbe What does your RTP config look like in main.conf, and which version of Minecraft, Sponge + Nucleus are you using?

I’m having the same issue with rtp.

rtp {
    # The number of times to try to find a safe teleport spot when using /rtp before failing. Setting this too low may cause a high rate of failiures.
    # The maximum Y value that can be teleported to.
    # The minimum Y value that can be teleported to.
    # The radius from the centre of the world/world border where /rtp can warp to. This will not override the world border radius.
    # If true, /rtp will only try to teleport players to the surface, and not into caves.

I have a sneaking suspicion it’s due to Sponge’s “deny chunk request” functionallity, but I can’t be sure of that. I reckon when I do the checks, chunks aren’t getting loaded (even though I request that the chunk gets loaded), and so it can’t find anywhere to warp in because as far as Nucleus is concerned, it just looks like the void. You are running the latest SpongeForge, right? Nucleus for API 5 should also work for API 6 with the latest builds, the breaking changes haven’t affected this plugin yet.

I’m gonna have to take a really good look at this, because every time I fix it and it works on my end, something else happens.

Yes I am on the latest version of SF and Nucleus.

Thanks man! Hoping for a fixed version out soon :smiley:

The servers doesn’t show a login/logout message. Here’s my config

[details=Summary]> connection-messages {

# If true, those with the "nucleus.connectionmessages.disable" permission will not trigger login/logout messages.
# This message uses all the standard Minecraft colour codes, prefixed by "&". Use "{{name}}" for the new player's name.
first-login-message="&4Welcome &a{{name}} &4to &ePixity!"
# Shown when a user logs in. This message uses all the standard Minecraft colour codes, prefixed by "&". Use "{{name}}" for the player's name.
# Shown when a user logs out. This message uses all the standard Minecraft colour codes, prefixed by "&". Use "{{name}}" for the player's name.
# Enables changing the login message.
# Enables changing the logout message.
# Enables the first time login message.


Other plugins? Any errors on the console? Something else might be interfering.

Alright thank you! Let me know whenever mate

No errors, I have

How can u set custom login messages? Command?

@DiamondArrow I just copied your config section into one of my test server configs and ran it, and it was fine. So, I’m not sure what’s going on - I don’t think any of the other plugins would interfere either, or at least they shouldn’t.

[21:50:06] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [Server thread] Server side vanilla connection established
[21:50:06] [Server thread/INFO]: dualspiral[/] logged in with entity id 374 in world(0) at (-43.69999998807908, 67.0, 227.1423372066867)
[21:50:06] [Server thread/INFO]: +dualspiral
[21:50:19] [Server thread/INFO]: dualspiral lost connection: Disconnected
[21:50:19] [Server thread/INFO]: -dualspiral 

@toxxic Read - look under connectionmessages in main.conf

I’ve looked under it but it doesn’t really explain how to set it up. Is it per group, person, etc.

Hey @dualspiral

Is it possible to add customizable configurable join messages?


…but it does tell you how to set it up under Configuration.

In the main.conf file, connection-messages section, the following options are available:

modify-login-message: if true, the standard login message sent to server chat will be replaced with the contents of login-message
modify-logout-message: if true, the standard logout/disconnect message sent to server chat will be replaced with the contents of logout-message

It’s the same message for everyone, using the token replacements as described in the docs page.

@Riddle Yes, as above for the server, but not per group/player - there is a ticket to do this and it is planned, but I’ve been concentrating on other things, it is not high priority right now.

I guess i’ll just get a plugin made. Thanks :slight_smile: