Nucleus: The Ultimate Essentials Plugin (MC 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2)

Version 0.16.1 is now available for Minecraft 1.10.2 and 1.11

also known as the “He finally fixed that Surface only /rtp bug” release

This version supports Sponge API 5 (1.10.2). This build also works with current Minecraft 1.11 with API 6 servers, but this might change in the future.

This release has the follwing new features:

  • /spawn other has been added to send other players, both offline and online, to spawn.
  • Added a config option to drop excess items when redeeming a kit.
  • Added player’s UUID to /seen.
  • Added /nameban to allow server owners to ban the use of an IGN, rather than a specific player.
  • Added /uptime as an alias to /serverstat.
  • Added /blockzap to allow administrators to quickly remove problematic blocks.
  • Added the GeoIP module (but disabled by default).

Notable fixes are:

  • /hat no longer has the potential to delete items.
  • Fixed problem that allows users to use colour codes without permission to do so.
  • Fix disconnect event throwing an NPE when a player is kicked from the server before they have logged in.
  • Fix /rtp:
    • Surface only warps now actually work.
    • Players will no longer /rtp successfully only to find they’ve ended up in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight.
    • Players will no longer /rtp successfully only to find they’ve ended up in a very hot magma bath.

A note on GeoIP

GeoIP is disabled by default, and once enabled, will require you accept the third party library licences that are now included in the plugin jar. We ask that you use the feature responsibly, while we display public data, we understand the privacy concerns.

To use GeoIP, set modules.geo-ip to ENABLED and restart, then set geo-ip.accept-licences to true (after reading the licences) and run /nucleus reload. The command /geoip <player> will be available to you, requiring the nucleus.geoip.base permission. To display information on login to staff, grant the permission nucleus.geoip.login.

See for the licences.


NucleusMixins has not been updated, the current version is 0.15.0. Note that the mixins may not work on heavily modded servers.

Download Nucleus and NucleusMixins from GitHub Releases: Release Version 0.16.1 (for 1.10.2 and 1.11) · NucleusPowered/Nucleus · GitHub

Command documentation is already up to date:

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Any information…

Its’s possible to add the feature to disable join, leave and death messages?

@anon34495435 Nope.

@outside64 Yes for leave/join messages, no for death messages.

In the main.conf file, connection-messages section, set modify-login-message and modify-logout-message to true, login-message and logout-message to "".

See for more info.

Ok thanks, a last question, it’s possible to remove the big holo message with the world name and cordinates, when you change world? or isn’t this a problem form your plugin?

No, it’s nothing to do with me, sorry.

great update, i love it

but it seems to fail when showing geoip and the player name will display as {1}

Version 0.16.2 is now available for Minecraft 1.10.2 and 1.11

This is a bug fix release to fix incomplete messages when using the GeoIP module. (thanks @FiveEYZ for pointing this out.)

Download from GitHub Releases: Release Version 0.16.2 (for 1.10.2 and 1.11) · NucleusPowered/Nucleus · GitHub

Np, sorry, but I have still questions, will you add in future updates the possibility to clear items on the ground and mobs, like the spigot essentials?

Hmm you can add TwentyTicks plugin instead

Clearmob is same TwentyTicks. You can use clearmob replace TwentyTicks.

Ok, thanks, I will try it

would it be possible for you to add the thing that nexus had where it displayed unique visitors when someone joins the server? like a counter of some sort. It was a great milestone thing i had for my server for giving rewards for when x amount of unique players have joined the server.

also… i get a sign bug where it copys the content of a sign and just pastes it all over the place. i cant edit signs or create new signs

Nice plugin to use! but when i do /setspawn then /spawn it gives me errors!

14.12 05:35:47 [Server] ERROR [Sponge]: Could not pass SendToSpawnEvent to Plugin{id=nucleus, name=Nucleus, version=0.16.2-5.0, description=The Ultimate Essentials Plugin., source=mods/Nucleus-0.16.1-S5-1.10.2-plugin.jar}
14.12 05:35:47 [Server] INFO java.lang.ClassCastException

Are you using 1.10 or 1.11?

There is a build here that fixes this problem, but I’ll try to get it out on a proper release later today.

@Khaoz Not sure the unique visitor count will make it into Nucleus, though I suspect it’s trivial to whip up. As for your sign problem, not sure that’s anything to do with us because we only have a listener to change a sign to colour - have you got another plugin that copies and pastes signs?

rip was looking forward to a unique visitor counter :c

When I enable the teleport-module, the nativ teleport will be overwritten.

So I change in the Commands.conf in “teleport” use-tp-command=false and aliases {tp=false}

After the first restart it works fine. But during the restart, the commands.conf is changed back to use-tp-command=true and aliases {tp=true}.

So if I restart again, the server will start with the basic settings, so native teleport ist overwritten.

Any advice

@aljac2013 It’s a bug on my part, when I migrated to a new command alias config system (the aliases {tp=false} part), I forgot to remove some legacy code that regenerates it, then re-migrates it. I’m committing a fix now, and I’ll get an update out tonight. Sorry for the inconvenience.

(You can also use /minecraft:tp if Nucleus has taken over tp if you want a short term solution)

Version 0.16.3 is now available!

This is a bug fix release that solves the following issues and is recommended for all users:

  • Fix /spawn other only working for offline players on the console.
  • Fix race condition with GeoIP module on first login.
  • Fix Nucleus always trying to register the tp alias, even when the user has requested for this not to be the case.
  • Fix ClassCastException when calling the NucleusSendToSpawn event

Download from GitHub Releases: Release Version 0.16.3 (for 1.10.2 and 1.11) · NucleusPowered/Nucleus · GitHub

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Not really getting categories able to work for warps. Doing /warp setcategory Bug Gyms -n
where Bug is a current warp, it does nothing for the /warps. It says “The category Gyms was added to the warp Bug.”

Kind of seems backwards to me. Wouldn’t the Bug warp be added to the gyms category?

Any ideas?