Nucleus: The Ultimate Essentials Plugin (MC 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2)

Not really, you’re setting the category for the warp. It’s because categories came later, and it suits how the data is stored.

Anyway, in main.conf, make sure warp.list-warps-by-category is set to true, it’s set to false by default.

ah, that would be it, thank you.

Thanks for the fast support.

Now it works fine.

hello sir
how do i use “/warp otherworld @p” with command block,

someone help me?

Hello all,

Is there a way to make custom commands for players to use in your server like “/vote” shows players the URL to vote for your server etc.

Thank you.

@Ziggler You can’t right now, but I’ll try to remember to put that in soonish.

@Endii You can’t create custom commands, but if you want just want to display text on a command, you could create an “info” file so that the command /info vote will show these details. Perhaps not as convenient as “/vote”, but will be as functional.

If you want to create an info file, there is some information at

I apologize very much but could there be a feature to put warps in order? I have a Pixel server and I would like to make the warps in order for the gyms but I can’t seem to figure out how. I remove all of them and set them all again and they still get out of order. I even try in the config and they still stay out of order.

its not random i dont believe. its alphabetical order.

May I request a feature to be added? :3

An option in the config to have godmode be removed after logging out, similar to fly.

It would make sense, wouldn’t it! :wink: Yeah, will add that in.

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My prefixes won’t show up can someone help me fix?

Add /me message custom please

How does the cooldown and cost work for permissions and how would you set these up?
Also would it be an idea to have a irc or discord channel for simple questions like these?

I do need to write some docs on that, but the gist of it is:

  • Most commands can have warmups, cooldowns and costs. For most of the commands, you can set the cooldown/warmup/cost in the commands.conf file, cooldowns and warmups are in seconds, cost in whatever economy unit you have. This is currently only possible on an all or nothing level.
  • Each command that can be subjected to one or more of these things will also have permissions that end with exempt.warmup, exempt.cooldown and exempt.cost, so for, say, the /home command, the permissions are nucleus.home.exempt.<blah>.
  • There has been a feature request where this can be done on a per group/player level. This is yet to be implemented, but the requester has suggested permission options, which I am inclined to agree with - add more of the config options into permision based options so they can be set per group · Issue #467 · NucleusPowered/Nucleus · GitHub

As for IRC/Discord, you can visit #nucleus on EsperNet using IRC, but I don’t tend to join these things because I’m actually really busy at the moment, and the time I spend on Nucleus is time I don’t want to be distracted - so I just wouldn’t respond, it’s much easier for me to respond on here. Plus, having questions on here means that they are visible to others, but the real hope is to get this all into the Docs site sooner rather than later.

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Is it possible to disable wither spawns when using the skulls and soul sand?

You can blacklist the placing of the skulls

Hi, i am currently creating a server on pixelmon, my players are unable to do the /back command even though the permission nodes are in there for it, did the nodes change? it says they do not have permission to that command.


doesnt work, like i said i added in the permission nodes

I assumed you didn’t add the other 3
which is needed if you want a player to go back to a specific area.

You also need to set them to true on the config file
back {
# Log player’s location on death.
# Log player’s last location after travelling through a portal.
# Log player’s last location on warp.