Nucleus: The Ultimate Essentials Plugin (MC 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2)

I think I might have an idea what this is. Did you reset the world, but not delete Nucleus data? If that’s the case, I think I know what’s going on, could you just confirm this for me?

yeah; i reset the world.

Yep, I spot the problem. I’m fixing it now.

I’m going to try to get a 0.4.3 release out, because there are loads of bugs that have been fixed, and not really any new features. I’ll see if I can get any of your other things in too. I’ll test what I’ve got and be as quick as possible. It may be tomorrow (it’s late here), but it should be no later than tomorrow.

How about make it similar to essentialcmds for the homes? /pex group Member options homes 2

Not sure if this is already a feature since I haven’t fully migrated yet XD

That is not part of nucleus or essentialcmds… The first part of the command you used should tell you that is part of PEX, and as mentioned earlier… [quote=“dualspiral, post:142, topic:11792”]
i think there needs to be a new way of having the homecount for these plugins like

Things like this do not belong in permissions, that’s exactly what options are for. This would mean every time a player adds a new home, I have to check permissions -> So I will not be adding permissions for this - it’s not viable.

I think you misunderstood

Limiting the number of homes

By default, all users will only be able to set one home. This can be changed by using a permissions plugin that supports
setting options.

You can set an arbitary number of homes by setting the option home-count to the number of homes you wish the player/group
to have. If you are using PermissionsEx, you can set the number of homes on a player using the command:

/pex user {user} option home-count {number}

Consult the permissions plugin’s documentation for more information on how to do this. If you wish a player to have an
unlimted number of homes, set the permission nucleus.home.set.unlimted.

Snow is referring to this. which i’m pretty sure you can use the same thing like essentialscommands and just do

/pex group [group name] option option home-count [number]

Version 0.4.3 is now available!

Primarily a bug fix release, this one.

Fixes are:

  • /sudo <player> c:<message> now looks like an actual chat message, and fires the MessageChannelEvent.Chat event so other plugins can do the normal formatting.
  • Fixed home module not working properly when worlds are deleted.
  • Fixed creating worlds - now they can be created!
  • Added /nucleus clearcache for when you need to alter a player file. This will remove the cache of offline players.
  • Fixed issue with /tempban not working.
  • Fixed issue with /sudo checking the exempt permission on the command issuer, not the target.
  • Moved fly into its own module so that it can be disabled easily, for compatibility with other plugins.
  • Had a go at fixing fly failing after dismounting Pixelmon (but this may not work!)

Well, I found another issue. :stuck_out_tongue: When players use kits they can use the command twice if they do one with uppercase and one with lowercase like so:

/kit trainer
/kit Trainer Both of these work and have their own cooldowns it seems.

haven’t tested but I’ll assume /kit tRainer or trAiner etc works as well if that’s the case o.O

Hmm Good point I will test that now and let you guys know

Yes it does seem to work like SnowBlitzz said. Any adjustment in caps will allow the player to use the kit even if the main “/kit Trainer” is on cooldown.

I’ll get that fixed once I’m home from work tonight.

Thanks. :slight_smile: Was this only an issue with the latest version do you think, or should I be worried players found out about this along time ago.

It will have been introduced before this, or maybe even always there, I’m sorry to say.

Oh, alright xD I will be on the look out for any abusers then.

Hopefully this can be fixed as soon as possible. Seems like a crucial bug.


Try I can’t release an official version until tonight, but I’ve quickly spent time during downtime here to do this. I’ll also alert you (I hope!) when someone logs in and has used a kit more than once (and will repair this).

For anyone interested in what went wrong: is the code diff.

Let me know if it works.

Ok so it lets me know how many times a player has used a kit during their last session, but I’m not sure if you were trying to fix the kit glitch yet. If you were trying to fix the kit cooldown exploit it is not fixed.

Try this with a player who hasn’t redeemed a kit yet, or a new kit completely. That’ll tell me whats wrong.

Make sure you’re trying this with a player that hasn’t got the nucleus.kit.exempt.cooldown permission.

I’m trying to fix this blind right now, as I have no access to a testing setup. It may have to wait until tonight if I can’t see what’s wrong. It should be fixed in theory.