Opening Command Blocks

I have intermittent access to opening command blocks. Sometimes I can open them (usually right after logging in) and sometimes not (often after using an EssentialCmds command like /warp). I am an op and have admin privileges via PEX.

Minecraft Version: 1.10.2
Operating System: Mac OS X (x86_64) version 10.11.6
Java Version: 1.8.0_66, Oracle Corporation
Java VM Version: Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation

SpongeForge 1.10.2-2052 BETA 1670
EssentialCmds 1.10.2-8.1.14
TotalEconomy v1.5.0
Polis 1.10.2-2.6.8
worldedit (forge mod) 1.10.2-6.1.4

Are you sure you are also in creative mode at the time?

Absolutely. I’ve tinkered around a lot with PEX permissions and Polis commands to try to fix.

A related issue - If I quite the server and then log back in, I can open command blocks. If I tinker with a CB and use /say “hello” it will work, 2-3 times, then stop working until I log out again.

BTW having pex installed means that the OP system is completely disabled

Thanks. I knew that was the case, but I don’t like to leave any stone unturned. :slight_smile:
Here’s another piece of information: /worldinfo says “Are commands allowed: false”

EDIT: Just checked enable-command-blocks: true is set.

What world management plugin are you using

Just EssentialsCmd

@HassanS6000 anything to say here?

I have just updated my sponge, and it is no longer working for me either, but it was working fine prior to that (coming from sponge 2026).


I’m having the same issue, I can’t edit Command Blocks at all.

Using :

And having :

Can confirm this issue, no plugins at all.

I am op and in creative.

And you’re using Sponge 5, right ?

Yes I am using Sponge 5.

So it’s a bug, I guess; someone know how to report it ?

Create an issue here: