[Paid] Bukkit to Sponge Plugin Conversion

Hey everyone, really quickly I was wondering if anyone would be interested in converting my bukkit plugin into sponge.

The reason it needs to be sponge is because it is for Pixelmon Servers.

I currently do not have time to learn sponge, however I have a lot of requests for making my plugin “PixelmonGym” for sponge.

From the conversions (differences from bukkit to sponge) I would learn from there when I have the time.

So, my offer is to pay someone around $20 or so to convert my plugin to Sponge with a few essential requirements.

  • The code should stay relatively the same, so I still know how to then modify it later down the line.
  • Comment on what things are doing or how they might have changed from bukkit (//). Again, for my learning.

Also, buy paying you to convert the plugin you DO NOT:

  • Have the permission to re-distribute in only your name (Sponge Page download)
  • Have the permission to make a clone of my plugin in your own name.


  • Have the right to post as example client work.
  • Have the right to request partnership or shared credit in the sponge version.


There is a queue system, virtual badge showcase, automatic scoreboard and all sorts. Be sure to read up on the bukkit dev page if you are interested in working on a Sponge Version.

Thanks everyone!

Scoreboards have been in Sponge for a long long time now.
Custom inventories landed when API 5.0.0 was released.

Oh, Very Good to know, I will edit the post now.
Thank you!

bump. Still need this, trying to learn sponge in the meantime but it is gonna take a while.

There’s already a pixelmon sidemod which I’ve created which is meant for this purpose. It has a virtual inventory badge showcase and queue system, no scoreboard right now but it may be something I’d consider for the future. It does not use sponge at all as of yet as I’ve been able to accomplish everything so far using pure forge/pixelmon.

This is kinda cool that its a mod that integrates through Pixelmon for extra features.
However, it’s pretty much ripped off 90% of the features of my plugin that’s existed since 2014.

This isn’t a plugin request btw, this is a port request.
I am looking for my plugin to be carried over to Sponge, not to have an alternative that puts me out of business lmao.
PixelmonGym (https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/pixelmongym/) is my plugin just to re-itterate.

Don’t be offended by any of this, but its literally just a clone of my plugin.
Fools on me though right because I need to get my head round Sponge…

Aaaaannndddddd, you just turned off anyone who may have been willing to help you.

You realize Pixelmon is one of the single-largest and popular plugins/mods to exist in the Minecraft community, right? Gee, I wonder if anyone’s ever made an addition that adds one of the most popular features from the actual game in it.

From your OP:

Also, buy paying you to convert the plugin you DO NOT:

  • Have the permission to re-distribute in only your name (Sponge Page download)
  • Have the permission to make a clone of my plugin in your own name.

Your plugin is licensed under GPLv3, meaning that you literally can’t deny people the right to re-distribute/clone your work, so long as they share the license.

Don’t be offended by any of this, but its literally just a clone of my plugin.

After a cursory glance at both projects, it’s extremely obvious that the plugins don’t share any code whatsoever.

Just tried to say, not being a d*ck about it.

Of course I know Pixelmon Is popular, though referring as clone does not mean the code is the same.
It can’t be, It’s a totally different API but looking at the features its easy to tell or that I am 90% certain that the creator saw my plugin and thought; “Oh these features are nice, I am going to make a mod version without him knowing so by the time I get all the features implemented, I become the #1 updated version because he doesn’t know he has competition.”

I said it was pretty cool. But yes, it’s annoying that he basically stole the future of my plugin versions because he made it contain almost every feature my plugin has.

Then, instead of helping on the OP which is to help continue the life of the plugin he just advertised his mod. I don’t see it as just advertisement but deep down it is.

I want people to contribute, I want people to make it something more than it is like its open source but I don’t want people going down my feature list, re-coding it in another API (Mod) or the same and sticking there name on it.

Its out of my control, but I’m not wrong for feeling sketchy about it when it contains nearly all my features and nothing more other than a few advantages of using it as a side mod.

This is exactly what clone means.

I am 90% certain that the creator saw my plugin and thought; “Oh these features are nice, I am going to make a mod version without him knowing so by the time I get all the features implemented, I become the #1 updated version because he doesn’t know he has competition.”

That’s a lot of introspection from a feature list.

But yes, it’s annoying that he basically stole the future of my plugin versions because he made it contain almost every feature my plugin has.

Because no one has ever survived some form of competition.

I don’t want people going down my feature list, re-coding it in another API (Mod) or the same and sticking there name on it.

Then why license it under GPL v3? The entire point of GPL is to encourage people to take your code, advance on it, share it, and spread the open-sourceness of it. You can’t give something a FOSS license and then get upset when they take your work and completely change it to work on another platform.

And that’s just assuming that’s what happened. You don’t seriously think you’re the FIRST person to make a GYM plugin for POKEMON do you?

Simply put, yes I was the first and original Gym Plugin for Pixelmon.
There was one called Pokemon Gym or something and it wasn’t used for pixelmon and nor did it have 10% of the features my plugin and Dragon’s mod has.

I have been the main Gym plugin for Pixelmon for a long time.

Without sounding cocky, I spent over a year working with servers to come up with idea’s.
Not got any idea’s elsewhere, implemented them as issues came up.

(Virtual Gym Badges system when people started selling badges, etc…)

I’m sorry you feel that way, but I had little knowledge of your plugin when I originally started it. I was informed one existed but I didn’t bother to really look it up. All I was told was that there was a pixelmon plugin out there and it was for bukkit so I wanted to make one which all you needed was the base mod. I won’t really be able to prove to you that I came up with the ideas that I’ve implemented to the mod myself so I won’t even bother trying. Since you feel I just came here to advertise I guess I’ll delete the link and remove myself from this conversation. I wish you good luck on finding someone willing to port your plugin.

Firstly, I am reacting badly and childishly In all honestly but It’s just to the point where I am explaining myself.

Don’t feel begrudged by me.
Just wish it would of came around that we ended up in contact mid development of your mod and we could of supported each other. (Promote your mod as a 1.9 solution)

Guess I am just not ready for my first plugin, (my baby) :stuck_out_tongue: to end in progress and be taken over elsewhere.
That’s not your issue haha.

Good luck with the mod also.

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I gotta necro this thread… For the record if you yourself are a developer, then you know what it takes, and what your work is worth. Why on earth make an offer of 20 dollars? If youre only willing to pay only 20 dollars, you should simply learn to do it yourself? JS take it how you like, but as a designer, id never ask other designers to do work for 20 bucks…