Particle effect options not working?

Dear all,

I am currently working with particle effects. I want to show in a area of 10 blocks a green dust effect. This effect should show the heal range of an ability that heals all players inside this range.

To realize that I used the following code:

ParticleEffect particleEffect = ParticleEffect.builder()
   .option(ParticleOptions.COLOR, Color.GREEN)
   .option(ParticleOptions.SCALE, 2D)
seedLocation.getExtent().spawnParticles(particleEffect, seedLocation.getPosition(), 10);

The result I get looks like this:

It seems the options did not apply, even if I change the particle type. Am I doing something wrong, are the options not implemented yet or is it maybe a bug I should report?

Sponge Forge: spongeforge-1.12.2-2838-7.1.10-RC3998
Sponge API: org.spongepowered:spongeapi:7.2.0-20200130.194701-33

I would appreciate any help.


I opened an issue on github and will update this topic after I get some new informations.