I cant figure out how to use permissionsEX to make prefixes for my chat and above my head, above the head it possible if not does anyone know how?
The format is something like this http://prntscr.com/ioe53y, but if you want have an optimal result you should combine pex with a good essentials plugin like ultimatecore or nucleus.
For the prefix in the tab and on the player head you can use ultimatecore or a specific plugin that do that, like TabModifier the problem is that it requires luckperms.
If you decide to switch to luckperms don’ worry it has an import feature that allows you to import your permissionex perms.
Hope this will help you
Is there anyway you can walk me through luckperms
Luck Perms has a great wiki.
ultimate core is abandoned
I know, but it works very well (I don’t know how it works with api 7), if you want something that is still updated and works well go with nucleus, it’s a very good essential plugin