šŸ”‘ PermissionsEx v2.0 [API 5]

It should create permissionsex.conf too if Iā€™m right. Try to use latest build (if you are using latest build of sponge), remove pex config folder and let it create again.

It created the permissions.json and permissionsex.conf. But when I try to give any commands like from these manuals:


I have only error message:

Too many arguments!
Usage: /pex [import|debug|ranking|reload|[-transient] [ā€“context|ā€“contexts|-c] subject parents|info|delete|options|permission-default|permission|[-transient] subject-type list [filter]]

I would like to edit it by hand but I donā€™t know the syntax, while in the default permissions file is fast nothing and I canā€™t find any help here. All are for old bukkit versions and anywhere is for this new Sponge version.

And in .conf file is one command the i donā€™t know what he do:

Please can you help me and send me and example of permissions file?

I Have there only Too many arguments :frowning: and any command doesnā€™t work.

If I may intrude hereā€¦ You are using the wrong Wiki
The one you link (at bukkit.org) is for the old PermissionsEx.
The new one is linked in Tzkā€™s post above:

The command structure has changed significantly.

(EDIT): This page may help a lot. Home Ā· PEXPlugins/PermissionsEx Wiki Ā· GitHub

Replying to myself here, but after a long look, it seems most of the PEx wiki pages are aimed at the old PEx for bukkit/spigot, and only a few have been updated for the new command syntax of PEx 2.
I can understand the confusion. Also, it is the same Wiki, so my apologies. It confused me tooā€¦

Hope it help, but this wiki:

has old command and system too :frowning:

It will be very helpful when it will be added a default permission configuration, that all people know how it looks like and what is needed to change.

I now found this manual:

but Iā€™m now in a point where I donā€™t have any rights more for do nothing and i done only first three steps.

These command doesnā€™t work too. Only the commands from my help work, but I there is a mistake, while i remove me the OP permissions.

At least this page of the wiki was updated, maybe it helps:

What version of this will work with Sponge Dev 553? I have no clue whatsoever and I canā€™t get it to work with the latest version :_:

Note : I ask this because the other mod/plugin I wish to use is Sponge Essentials Cmds, one which will only work on dev 553 as no later version is compiled or created yet :_:

Further Edited Note : I read in the post about Dev 525 on Forge 1487; I installed both and tried Pex 2.0. I presume I used too new of a version, however it did not work. Sponge Essentials however worked, as did the others. If I can know which version works for this, I would still gladly use it until all the versions match up. I would also like to know if I did anything wrong, as I ran it with forge and put the sponge dev and permissions jar into the mods folder. It didnā€™t work :frowning:

Latest PEX works with latest sponge. You might have to go back a few builds on the build server to find the appropriate version for your server.

Is there a reference for which build works for which pex? I canā€™t find any :frowning:

Edit : Which PEX Build on your build page works for which Sponge Dev version

no clue, Iā€™ve never used the public builds ā€“ all I can say is that latest usually works with latest.

I tried it with Sponge dev 570 but it didnā€™t work; I am doing something wrong I swear :_:

Iā€™ve been playing with the idea of using ForgeEssentials with PEX for this purpose! Slight road block though, they have a critical error in build #21 and lower that keeps sponge from launching. Lucas1998 has been working on a fix.


This is where I go to check the commands

I found it, but nowhere is it written correctly. All commands that are in the newest Wiki, are not working and your file structure:


doesnā€™t correspond the reality.

Please is possible to correct it and can you tell me how should look the prefix option in the permissions, that I can add colts ā€œ&cā€ and the text ā€œ[Adm]ā€?


Donā€™t do prefixes in the config. Instead, you do "/pex group option prefix " while on server, for example /pex group Trainer option prefix &0[&rTrainer&0]

Just be careful. Pex is case sensitive and one mistake creates a new groupā€¦

Thanks, and how it works here? While you have putted here three colors?
I uses before Bukkit and there was enough to add &c[Adm] and prefix Adm has other color.

I have try it bud in the game I donā€™t see any changes. Is there to do anything else or something to install?

You may need something that supports Prefixes, such as SpongeEssentials or FeatherChat.

Ohh OK now understand. I try use the Essentials, but it doesnā€™t work with the latest build :frowning: