🔑 PermissionsEx v2.0 [API 5]

OK! Thanks, bro!

using essentialscmd and trying to get warp and tpa functionality in a personal server with some friends. with this permissions.json /tpa works but the actual /warp does not. default users can’t actually warp to things even though they can set warps. /warps also says page 1 is too high, which is strange because me with default 1 permission can see the list fine.

you’re giving the default group access to warp commands specifically but not giving permission for actual warps, which is why that error occurs with /warps as it has nothing to list, either give them essentialcmds.warp or essentialcmds.warp.<warp name> to specify each warp

oh ok I’ll try that later today, I had a misconception and thought essentialcmds.warp.use had the functionality of essentialcmds.warp. new to the whole permissions management thing and it wasn’t listed in the permissions list on the essentialscmd page so I guess it wasn’t obvious for me enough. thanks

I installed pex on my server and when i use pex group Admin create in console it says this:
06.02 23:34:47 [Server] Server thread/INFO Usage: /pex [debug|reload|import|ranking|[–context|–contexts|-c] [-transient] subject permission-default|delete|options|info|permission|parents|[-transient] subject-type list [filter]]
what should i do?

This helped me out when I started

  1. there is no create option
  2. there’s no point in having a group without anything specified
  3. read my guide linked above by @Peav :wink:
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/pex group Admin option prefix "&8[&4Admin&8]&f "

@Peav post the command list you wrote for our server! :wink:

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Does anyone know what the permission is for the /me command. I am trying to block it as players are using it to get around the chat filter.

minecraft.command.me if I remember correctly.

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if it isn’t what @JBYoshi said then do /pex debug then /me and console will print the permission (do /pex debug again to turn off debug)


I added “minecraft.command.me”: -1 but they can still use the command, any other ideas?

Maybe you have another plugin that provides /me – do what @MoeBoy76 suggested.

I did that, and that was the permission it used.

Hey @zml any way to set world specific permissions? Haven’t come across it yet on the forums :frowning:


I noticed last night that in my sponge server I don’t seem to have the ability to feed, breed or get animals to follow me when I’m holding “their” food (chickens seeds, pigs carrots, etc). I think this is in previous PEX versions as part of “modifyworld” which was split off of PEX if I’m not mistaken. I plan to restart the world with only PEX next time I fire it up to see if the problem exists (this evening), but maybe this is a known issue someone already has a bead on? I tried altering my Admin group’s permissions with modifyworld.* but that didn’t quite seem to do the trick.

"group": {
            "Admin": [
                    "permissions-default": 1,
                    "options": {
                        "prefix": "&7[&4Admin&7]"
                    "permissions": {
                        "modifyworld.*": 1
            "Default": [
                    "permissions-default": -1
        "user": {
            "taken out for forum post": [
                    "options": {
                        "name": "Yithnal"
                    "parents": [

@Thorns_Ofire Yeah, just use the --context world=<world-name> flag in commands

@jasendorf modifyworld has not yet been ported (so those permissions do nothing) – but remember that the .* part is no longer needed since giving of subnodes is implied.

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@zml first, thank you for all the work you’ve done on this. second, I’ll disable all my other mods and see if I can figure out where the “you no touch animals” issue might be emanating from. Thanks for your reply!

I’ve noticed that animals don’t seem to follow when I offer them food, using recent builds of SpongeVanilla. Sheep ignore wheat and chickens don’t care for seed. (I can still get them to breed, however). If this is happening with SpongeForge too, then I think it might be a bug in Sponge rather than PEX.