🔑 PermissionsEx v2.0 [API 5]

So this isn’t working well for me. Whenever i use any commands, it just gives “too many arguments” like crazy. The only things working is debug and reload, but when i reload it will just say it couldn’t reload and there’s errors. This is for sponge with pixelmon.

What is your spongeforge version? What are you trying to do?
I would suggest reading into this very helpful thread - it is more or less all you need to know about the general PEX commands.

Let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

spongeforge-1.8.9-1855-4.1.0-BETA-1310 That’s the file’s name.

Nevermind, it seems that it will give a hissy fit if it’s not to the exact lettering. You should add a help function if players don’t know what to do in game, so they can do like /pex group help to bring up a menu on how to use that command.

Can’t you use the TAB key to find the expected parameters? And I agree, it could be clearer. Though I don’t see much development into a starter-friendly guide to PEXSponge.

Try looking at MoeBoy’s

Yes I know. I referenced it just before that.

pex #123

In the logs I saw the following lines

Found out that it left сheat client “Wurst Hacked Client”.

My pex config

Player from Default group.

How to deal with it?

I just checked in with @HassanS6000 and there doesn’t seem to be any issue. EssCommands logs any command a player tries to run whether or not the player actually has permission. Additionally, none of those commands are valid with PEX installed, so the user wouldn’t have done anything anyways.

setblock exactly executed it when I got the items

Yeah, that command was run as the server console. Maybe somebody has a run-as command in a plugin that isn’t properly restricted? Whatever it is, it’s not a PEX issue.

The player from the Default group

And the team would have looked different I guess. And then [EssentialCmds]: [Server] executed command setblock

What to pay attention?


I have the config correct?

You can see the difference of the person who executed it. THe first one was executed by the server which you can see [04:11:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialCmds]: [Server] executed command setblock so of course it worked. Whereas the others are by a player names Ass(?) [04:12:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialCmds]: [Ass] executed command op

I don’t think it was done by a runas command since the command line itself is longer than the minecraft chat [04:11:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialCmds]: [Server] executed command setblock 1359 40 -1442 chest 0 replace {Items:[{id:minecraft:ender_pearl,Count:16,Slot:0},{id:minecraft:ender_pearl,Count:1,Slot:1},{id:minecraft:slime_ball,Count:26,Slot:2},{id:minecraft:string,Count:8,Slot:3},{id:minecraft:bone,Count:32,Slot:4},{id:minecraft:spider_eye,Count:53,Slot:5},{id:minecraft:blaze_rod,Count:2,Slot:6},{id:minecraft:ghast_tear,Count:10,Slot:7},{id:minecraft:gunpowder,Count:15,Slot:8},{id:minecraft:rotten_flesh,Count:64,Slot:9},{id:minecraft:rotten_flesh,Count:16,Slot:10}]}
Might be a command block(?)


Yeah then I guess the only possible explanation is it’s done in the console by someone who has access to it

Access to the console only I have.

I’m sorry! I figured it out. Command [Server] executed command setblock takes the mod MightyLoot. It remains to understand where the player items.

Ah I see, makes sense now. Couldn’t figure it out earlier since I don’t use that plugin nor knows what it does.

Hello all,

I’ve just installed PermissionsEx on my Pixelmon server for Minecraft 1.8.9. I have a few problems, but think the solutions are probably easy, once I know the right places to look.

I was set up as an operator on the server before installing PermissionEx. Now I cannot use any commands except for a very short list. Unfortunately, I cannot create new groups or permissions (it says I don’t have permission to use that command).

Essentially, I am brand-new to this plugin and don’t know where to start. I don’t know what file to open, where to find it, or what to open it with. I also don’t know how to format it, what things must be typed, basically everything about the mod. So, I was wondering if there was a comprehensive guide somewhere that walks you through it as if you were a total noob (which I am). You know, start to finish, idiot-proof, that sort of thing.

Thanks in advance. From the little I understand, this seems like an amazing mod.

Best wishes,
