šŸ”‘ PermissionsEx v2.0 [API 5]

Oooooh yeah, you have to type the command /pex group Default perm essentialcmds.afk.use true
Or once you get a good chunk of the actual config done using the in-game commands, you can try out changing the config manually. It works both ways just hard to get it going.

To see the permissions a group has youā€™d use /pex group Default info

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well once there is syntax and a list started in a config then it should be easier to deal with

thanks for the help iā€™ll have to work on this more tomorrow i should be in bed lol

Why give an example whys Skype does not give directly on to post like that everyone can enjoy myself I need a sample group and Permission see how we can have plussieur group with different permissions in the permission file.

And more with the controls for the groups to square atribuer player at the moment I pence that I am not alone in not understanding how exactly without any concrete example.

Thank you in advance.

I need help with the plug-in. I put it in the mods folder in sponge but all I have is an empty permissionsex folder in the config folder and nothing else

From somewhere above in the thread, there is this advice:

This is a temporary problem, and Iā€™m sure @zml will get it resolved eventually.

Create two files is done but how we add the group and the permission permissions.json in the file and how to assign a group to a player?.

Donā€™t edit the json

hey would you be able to help me setup up something. I added a group as well as the permissions and added myself to it but its still saying I donā€™t have permission to use commands like /fly and /gamemode

What version are you using?

Isnā€™t it explained here?

After SEVERAL demand still nothing jā€™ai decided to request more documentation files how how confugurer add group with permissions for each different goupe and how to assign a group to a player I find is great plugin but as if you Ƨā€™est gives the material without using the book so for my part I abandon the idea of using PEX.

If documentation is true I would be happy to use it if I penceā€™m not the only one asking.

Thank you beforehand.

Downloaded the Recommended version of forge.
Installed the server files
Ran the server files
Downloaded sponge mod jar file
put it in the mod folder
that runsā€¦
Download PermissionsEx Jar
put it in the mod folder
spams errors
doesnā€™t work
java 1.8
minecraft 1.8
Whats wrong?

You need to create to two files in the permissionsex folder

  • permissions.json
  • permissionsex.conf

Got it workingā€¦sort of
tried the command
/pex group Trainer create

got this:
Usage: /pex [debug|reload|import|ranking|[ā€“context|ā€“contexts|-c] [-transient] subject permission-default|delete|options|info|permission|parents|[-transient] subject-type list [filter]]

everything i type spams that
does this sponge version have a different list of commands compared to bukkit.
Is there a commands list?

Try taking a look at this and see if you can make sense of it.

Just about everything i type just sez too many arguementsā€¦even copy and pasting commands from websitesā€¦
Think the plugin is messed up.

Plugin Is not messed up lol, works perfectly fine. Do this to create a group instead. /pex group Trainer perm essentialcmds.afk.use true or change the perm to whatever your wanting it to be. Remember to watch out for the parent system. Itā€™s really confusing at first just remember EVERYONE getā€™s default permissions no matter what group they are in. So no need to parent a group to default or youā€™ll get a reoccurring permission.

I rarely use commands to edit permissions. I prefer to do it manually, run the file through a JSON formatter and validator, then just re-upload my permissions.json and do /pex reload. The only other commands I used were just for promoting, demoting, and ā€œdefā€ (OP) and they all worked fine. It takes a bit getting used to but I certainly found it easier to simply write a PEX file rather than try to make one through in-game commands.

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think iā€™m gonna give upā€¦iā€™m used to groupmanagerā€¦very simple system.
No commands work with this thingā€¦its hopeless.
might see if theres another permission group manager thing for spongeā€¦
If all else fails might have to drop down to cauldron 1.7.10
Its a shame but no choiceā€¦