PixelAutoMessages - A plugin to send automatic and scheduled messages to chat

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, PixelAutoMessages. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


PixelAutoMessage send messages to all players on configured time with all JSON events available on SpongeAPI.

This is a simple plugin to send messages to all players online.
The only comand is:

Command: /pam reload
Permission: pam.cmd.reload

All the configuration is commented to be easy to configure (yes, theres a lot of options).

#Configuration file:
To add more messages, copy the section “0” and paste changing the section to “1”, and increase this number for each new section.

configs {
    prefix="&7[&aAutoMessage&7]&r "

# Set you messages here! Follow the example and add numbers as index for more messages. 
# All fields (except permission) accept the player placeholder {player}.
# Note: Use the fields 'click-cmd', 'click-url' and 'suggest-cmd' one at time.
messages {
    "0" {
        # Any colored message to send to server
        a-message="&aThis is the default message. &6Change me now {player}!"

        # Players online needed to show this message. Set 0 always show.

        # Set permissions needed to player receive this message. Leave blank to disable.

        # Colored hover message.
        d-on-hover="&7Hi {player}, i am a hover message!"

        # Print a command on player chat.
        e-suggest-cmd="msg {player} private message to me?"

        # Command to run on click.
        f-click-cmd="say Commands work {player}!"

        # Open a url on click.
    "1" {
        a-message="&aThis is other default message. &6Change me now {player}!"
        d-on-hover="&7Hi {player}, i am a hover message!"
        e-suggest-cmd="msg {player} private message to me?"
        f-click-cmd="say Commands work {player}!"

A new version has been released for PixelAutoMessages, it is available for download here.

A plugin to send automatic and scheduled messages to chat.

Version 1.0.3 b15:

  • Update to latest API, but still compatible with all API versions.

Can I create multiple lines of announcements?

How that works with the links?

After I edited the messages the broadcast dont worry anymore why?

Where is the config file located? I cant find it anywhere within my files.