PixelChat port for generations?

I really wish there was a pixelmon generations port for Pixelchat. Or another plugin that would work similar to it, where we could display pokemon in chat, and see IVs EVs, Shiny/not, Lvl, etc.

According to the ore project page of pixelchat, the author themselves won’t add generations support.

Luckily they made it open source for people to contribute or post issues. (If I get time, I may be able to submit a PR with generations support).

Ultimately though, as the project has no license, it’s not super easy to contribute/release a generations port as per default projects have „all rights reserved“ if I understand this correctly and therefore it’s down to the plugin author how to handle a potential PR and gens support if at all.

Now down to the author to make use of it or not.

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