Hello, I am currently planning a script plugin for Sponge, to allow non-programmers to create a “mini plugin”. I would like to get the community’s feedback on syntax and features, to make sure that this plugin gets made right. Here is what I am currently thinking of:
Based around events
Events are listened to using on <eventname>:
Indentation is matters, and code statements must be a single-line
I’m sure that I am missing things from the above list, so here is an example of what the code would look like:
on rightclick:
if player has permission "test.permission":
cancel event
send "You clicked a block!" to player
Thanks, I’ll see about including that. I don’t want to complicate my language too much, I want it to be simple enough that anyone can pick it up within a few minutes.
Make it a full-fledged programming language. I’m being a bit sarcastic, but I’d like to see something unbelievably complex that has a simple syntax, and can quickly accomplish small tasks. Also, use the @ symbol, I really like that symbol.
Out of curiosity, how do you plan to handle syntax parsing? I’ve actually “written” 4 different general purpose scripting languages, although only two ran, and one of those looked like an badly written batch file. The last one is still in development, and has a much more powerful parser, albeit a very slow one. I just can’t seem to get parsing right, and I’d be interested to see a language progress.