Planning plugin development projects

Yes, a plugin making plugins, if you will :wink:

Since it’s Lua, configs for scripts can be written within the scripts themselves. Or maybe a library that manages them. We’ll see. I’ll try to get a prototype working first as a proof-of-concept, then I’m going to see what I want to do with it.

I should have worded myself a bit better. By “config” I meant a LuaSponge file that houses an entire plugin. (I’m still used to most files being config.yml)

Maybe we can work on economy system together. Contact me, if you want.

I was working on some sort of AuthMe replacement before, but nah, I abandoned it when the first server I worked for was shut down.

Might be a good chance to get into that again, but I’m not making a promise.

EDIT: I have a functioning backup plugin as well, also abandoned however. That one will be on my work list too, but I can’t make a promise either.

I recommend everyone who is willing to work on a specific plugin or intends to port to open a thread like this: Dev Group: Teleportation / Portals and start signing people up. If we start early we can avoid useless duplicates of the same plugins (bukkit had a whole ton of them) and we can work together to produce more quickly a better result.

Sorry for the poor formatting, blame it on mobile.

I poked @niccholaspage and Fe (simple economy plugin) will be ported over. I would like to see something like ChestShop and/or GlobalMarket ported too.

I would also like to see a simple WG6 land protection plugin ported over, or I’ll continue working on my with the new Sponge API.

We should make a table, which summary the | plugin | developer | informations.

Ban System

I do have already made a Ban System plugin that is in its core element indepentent to any server-api.
It would be a 1 hour work to wrap it into any other server api.

Here a list of features:

  • Bans / Temp-Bans / Ipbans / Temp-Ipbans / Kicks / Mutes / Tempmutes / Warns / Infos / Searchs / Logging
  • UUID optimized with fail-safe ban-system IDs
  • 100% based on MySQL
  • cached database data (lesser requests)
  • asynchronous database requests
  • multi-server support with permissions
  • modulized (turn on/off ban system features like checking for warns, etc.)
  • already implemented for Bukkit and BungeeCord
  • localization via file
  • wrapped events for any server-api
  • field tested with ~ 4000 players per day.
  • warn messages shown to offline players when they rejoin
  • automatic installation
  • automatic update from old database tables (without UUID)
  • basic alias commands ( e.g.: /bflame … etc )

Atm this ban-system is private, but I would publish it when there is a recommended Sponge API.


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I am happy to try to help out with must anything that I can help out with.

I feel like Herochat won’t be ported - as I have been waiting for an update for a lot of months now, and even ended up making my own plugin to link servers together for Herochat, because I realised that it was basicaly dead.
I’ll most likely be making my own chat system, btw.

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You should look into Darmok, it needs work, and needs porting (duh), but was our replacement for HeroChat/TownyChat

That’s kinda neat. Does it support cross-server stuff?
I don’t think that a chat plugin will be particularly hard to write anyway, but maybe I’ll contact the author :slight_smile:
Wait a sec, major derp. Didn’t realise that you were botskonet :wink:

Just looked at your plugin, it’s sweet. I’m happy to add in cross server integration if you don’t want to, once it’s ported.

There’s some really basic cross-server stuff, we have that working well on our servers, but it certainly needs to be cleaned and needs someone better at networking code.

Yep, sponge should natively support cross-server communication.

Well, I’m definitely not going to say I’m amazing at networking, though I did make the Herochat bridge which isn’t exactly a work of art, but does the job. Main reason I was going to make a chat plugin was so I could implement my XenForo based web chat system directly into it.
Don’t look at the code, it’s hideous. :wink:

My XServer plugin for Bukkit & Bungeecord was my first bigger networking api plugin.
If I would write it again I would do a lot different.

@KoolKrafter and @viveleroi Should we start a Sponge cross-server communication api / implementation?

Sure, if you want. I like the bungee plugin messages, but having a player on is an annoying requirement.

I’d be happy to help anyone to port over some plugins if they need an extra hand :slight_smile:

I am opening a new topic under Sponge Development ^^

I’m most likely just gonna port my plugins (Easy Pvp Kits & Extended Chat)