PlayerShopsRPG - A region-based player shop plugin

Yea I completely get not returning inventory (on our bukkit servers the shops get reset upon expiration so they don’t get it back there either) but having the funds go to the renter upon expiration would be great!!

A new version has been released for PlayerShopsRPG, it is available for download here.

Just living in the Database!

Release v2.0.0

Minecraft 1.10.2 - Tested on spongeforge-1.10.2-2281-5.2.0-BETA-2407

It’s finally here! v2.0.0 of PlayerShopsRPG brings with it several new features and bugfixes. Among the highlights are a complete rewrite from scratch of the backend to utilize an H2 database instead of HOCON files, an actual working implementation of shop renting, the ability to create “ownerless” shops, and support for multiple currencies! Items with custom data attached (metadata) also got an overhaul and should now integrate seamlessly with shops, go forth and sell all the spawn eggs! The UI had some work done as well and most importantly, should now refresh itself whenever a change is made. There were also a few little optimizations here and there which should hopefully make the whole experience snappier.

I want to apologize for how long this update took to get out, what began as a simple update quickly grew to a massive overhaul. I also want to thank you all for your continued support, creating issue reports, and reminding me just how much of a need exists for this plugin.

Upgrade Instructions:

  1. Please first backup all of your plugin files!
  2. Delete the messages.conf file located in ~/config/playershopsrpg/
  3. Add the plugin to your mods folder as normal
  4. Run the server and verify everything is still working as expected
  5. Delete the shops_old.conf file located in ~/config/playershopsrpg/


  • Entire shop storage mechanism torn out and replaced with an H2 database, this should provide much better stability to the plugin moving forward. I’ve also included a built-in translator that should move all of your existing data over to the new format.
  • Several major bugfixes with regards to the shop renting system.
  • You now have the ability to configure if shop funds should transfer to the renter upon the expiration of the rent, as well as if the inventory of the shop should be cleared, you can find these options in the playershopsrpg.conf file.
  • You now have the ability to create “ownerless” shops through the /shop set owner none command and corresponding playershopsrpg.commands.set.ownernone permission.
  • If your economy plugin supports multiple currencies, you can now set the currency a shop will use with the /shop set currency command and corresponding playershopsrpg.commands.set.currency permission. By default, all shops will use the default currency supplied by the economy plugin.
  • Items with different variants (spawn eggs, potions, enchanted books) as well as custom data (metadata) attached should now be recognized as different items by the plugin and will be handled accordingly.
  • Several small bugfixes and updates to the UI, including having the UI refresh upon changes made to the shop.
  • Other little bugfixes and optimizations here and there

Note about API 6.x compatibility
Due to changes in how inventories are handled in between Sponge API 5.x and 6.x, this version of PlayerShopsRPG is not fully compatible with API 6.x versions of Sponge. I will be releasing an API 6.x compatible build soon.


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@resqdiver1317 I’ve now added the ability to control what happens when the rent expires. I’ll add more UI elements revolving around renting in the next release :slight_smile:

A new version has been released for PlayerShopsRPG, it is available for download here.

End the Dupes!

Release v2.0.1

Minecraft 1.10.2 - Tested on spongeforge-1.10.2-2281-5.2.0-BETA-2407


  • Fixed potential dupe exploit revolving around adding negative amounts of an item to a shop
  • Delayed loading shops until later in the plugin lifecycle to allow for better compatibility with mods
  • Cuboid region selection messages are now translatable via the messages.conf file
  • Fixed possibility of creating a cuboid region with a zero distance in one dimension

Update Instructions:
Please delete your messages.conf file located in ~/config/playershopsrpg/ and let it regenerate


A new version has been released for PlayerShopsRPG, it is available for download here.

Forward to 6!

Release v2.0.2

Minecraft 1.11.2 - Tested on spongeforge-1.11.2-2315-6.1.0-BETA-2410


  • Updated to Sponge API 6.0


A new version has been released for PlayerShopsRPG, it is available for download here.

Where’d the Database Go?

Release v2.0.3

Minecraft 1.11.2 - Tested on spongeforge-1.11.2-2315-6.1.0-BETA-2410


  • Fetch database config directory from Sponge instead of hard-coding it


@Zerthick Thanks for the update (especially adding the handling for when rent expires!) We had put the shops project on hold for a few weeks but are getting back to work on that now so having that implemented will be awesome! Thanks!!

A new version has been released for PlayerShopsRPG, it is available for download here.

But I created a Shop?

Release v2.0.4

Minecraft 1.10.2 - Tested on spongeforge-1.10.2-2281-5.2.0-BETA-2464
Will not work on API 6 (1.11.2)


  • Fix issue where sometimes shops would not persist across restarts


A new version has been released for PlayerShopsRPG, it is available for download here.

API 6 Anyone?

Release v2.0.5

Minecraft 1.11.2 - Tested on spongeforge-1.11.2-2393-6.1.0-BETA-2576
Will not work on API 5 (1.10.2)


  • Updated to Sponge API 6.0


Hi, i’m having an issue while i use /shop item add, i get this error in the console (sorry for my bad english i’m spanish)

(SpongeForge 1.10.2)

Please make sure you are using an API 5 compatible build (v2.0.4) not an API 6 compatible build (v2.0.5). The inventory API was modified between API 5 and 6 and so the builds aren’t compatible with each other.

Hello, would like to know, if I can hope for an 1.12(.2) version of your plugin? I would wait for it, if it´s planned :slight_smile:
I really like your plugin, in my opinion the best shops plugin, especially in combination with some decorative npcs :slight_smile:

Yes, I’m waiting until a stable 1.12.2 compatible build of Sponge is released, then I’ll update all of my plugins :smiley:

Cool, so Sponge-team has to hurry up, can´t wait for it :wink:

A new version has been released for PlayerShopsRPG, it is available for download here.

Seven, Does it Work?

Release v0.2.0

Minecraft 1.12.2 - Tested on spongeforge-1.12.2-2529-7.0.0-BETA-2730


  • Updated to Sponge API 7.0

NOTE: This is a very quick dev port, please backup your data before attempting to update and be sure to report any issues on the PlayerShopsRPG Issue Tracker



Is there any way to set this to read the shops from a sql database? I am running 2.0.4 on my 1.10.2 sponge-forge server and it refuses to remember my shop data after restart. Maybe a sql read would possibly fix the issue? It would also be easier for some of the more advanced users on here to work with shops on a mass scale in my opinion.

Hmmm, PlayerShopsRPG actually uses an internal H2 SQL database located at ~/config/playershopsrpg/ You can access it and view the tables using the H2 Console. For the database url enter something like jdbc:h2:file:C:\Path\To\Server\config\playershopsrpg\data and leave the username and password blank. I do plan to eventually add support for other SQL implementations like MySQL, but I don’t think that would resolve your issue if the data is never getting written to the database to begin with. Could you create an issue on the PlayerShopsRPG Issue Tracker detailing any steps to reproduce the issue and the version of Sponge you are using? I’ll see if I can track down the cause.


Update screenshots, please.

A new version has been released for PlayerShopsRPG, it is available for download here.

Repeating on Seven!

Release v2.1.0

Minecraft 1.12.2 - Tested on spongeforge-1.12.2-2555-7.1.0-BETA-2817


  • Update to Sponge API 7
  • Shops are now asynchronously saved to the database every 5 mins to mitigate losing data on server crashes


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The description says “Ability to define Admin/Server Shops!”. How is this set up?
I only managed that on the player side and I have found no commands.

I need a shop with endless items and money.

Is it possible?