PlotSquared Bukkit Help

So I am trying to get any help and have not gotten any so I turn to the off topic category. This is the Bukkit version of this plugin. I get you didn’t make the plugin but my hope is someone with Bukkit knowledge can help me. This is my question but it was meant for the developer but he never responded.

I got your plugin and am trying to use it. Nothing works and throws many
errors in my console. I got this plugin from the Spigot site and put
the plugin jar into my plugins folder. I run my server and almost
everything that is PlotSquared is broken. I want to use this plugin
because no other plots plugin can stand compared to this one.

Those are some of my logs trying to use this plugin. Am I doing
something wrong? Did I get this from a bad place? I used the download
link on your page. Did I miss some config? Please help

Help is appreciated!

Probably have more luck asking for help here

Yea he did help me finally like 10 minutes before you did. Thanks for the help anyway