I’m having an issue with my plugins not registering properly on SpongeForge.
I want to use the following three plugins:
Prism (Prism-3.0.0-beta2-2-g03a4c61)
EssentialCmds (EssentialCmds-8.0.1)
PermissionsEx (PermissionsEx-Sponge Build 121)
When I load up the server with just SpongeForge and the three above plugins all is fine and I have access to the commands as I should. However once I toss in some Forge mods things stop working (Only Prism continues to work) the other two plugins appear to load, but I can’t use any of the commands from them.
My only guess is that one of the forge mods is somehow breaking the plugins, but I don’t even know how that can happen or where to start troubleshooting this problem.
I looked through the startup logs and nothing immediately catches my eye as to what could be causing this issue; I want to avoid having to remove one mod at a time and test to see if one of them is messing it up if possible.
I also tried switching versions of sponge/forge with the same issue.
Forge Version:
SpongeForge Version:
Startup Log:
Log - GoogleDrive (Too long for pastebin)