Plugins not registering under new update

Hi so plugins that were using the @Plugins are no longer registering…can someone please be of assistance in tryint to figure out the new way of registering these lovelies? :slight_smile:

I don’t think the annotation should have changed. Is it still imported as org.spongepowered.api.plugin.Plugin?

Also, @Plugin has, and still is, the only way to register a plugin.

…okies so i guess the sponge isn’t liking it… here’s the info

so why is the newer versions of sponge not loading and thus not allowing my plugins to load? lol version of forge i’m using…forge-1.8- || version of sponge: spongeforge-1.8-1577-2.1-DEV-942-sources || so any ideas?

You shouldn’t be putting the source files in the mods folder, that’s just the, well, source .java files. (packaged in a jar)

The file should be spongeforge-1.8-1577-2.1-DEV-942.jar

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okay but when i got to the location where i’ve been downloading for the last month spongeforge that’s the latest i get is the spongeforge-1.8-1577-2.1-DEV-942-sources || so any ideas?

…nvrmd too little sleep thank you @simon816